Design Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Plumbing Service’

Plumbing Resolutions for the New Year

Monday, January 30th, 2023


Although most New Year’s resolutions usually have something to do with health, a lot of people make other types of goals. They might prioritize spending less time on their smartphones and more time on their hobbies. They might make resolutions for their jobs, families, and even their homes.

If you’ve resolved to take better care of your home in the new year, here are 7 plumbing resolutions to make. By following these tips, you can hopefully avoid the need for unexpected plumbing service in Salt Lake City, UT.

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A Guide to Plumbing Maintenance

Monday, July 4th, 2022

family-at-kitchen-sinkWhether you’ve been in your home for decades and never had your plumbing inspected outside of the initial home inspection (which, by the way, doesn’t involve checking for everything that could impact your plumbing–such as your risk, of experiencing slab leaks or how old your pipes actually are) or you’re having plumbing newly installed, there is one thing we encourage you to keep in mind. This is, how important plumbing maintenance is.

Your plumbing system works hard to bring you many of today’s modern conveniences–warm showers, the ability to keep beautiful landscaping, the ability to cook and clean, etc. But without proper care, your plumbing system won’t be able to work reliably forever. But what does plumbing maintenance look like? Can you maintain your plumbing on your own?

Sure, there are definitely some plumbing maintenance tasks you can do on your own! We’ll outline these below. It’s also important, though, to trust the pros for the pig stuff. And that’s where we come in. Read on to learn more!

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