Design Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Park City’

Plumbing Problems You Can DIY and Those You Can’t Design

Monday, August 12th, 2024


Plumbing problems can range from minor annoyances to major headaches. As a homeowner, knowing which issues you can handle yourself and which ones require professional intervention is essential to maintaining a functional plumbing system. In this blog, we’ll guide you through some basic plumbing fixes you can DIY and situations where you should definitely call in a professional plumber in Park City, UT. At Design Comfort, you can always count on us as a plumbing company that is honest and has the customers’ best interests in mind.

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How Higher Efficiency AC Units Can Save You Money

Monday, June 17th, 2024


When the summer heat rolls in, a reliable air conditioning system becomes a necessity for maintaining comfort. However, running an AC unit can significantly increase energy bills. This is where higher efficiency AC units, particularly those with higher SEER2 ratings, come into play. Not only do these units keep your home cool, but they also offer substantial savings on energy costs. Here’s how investing in a higher-efficiency AC unit can save you money.

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As the Weather Cools, Take This Important Step

Monday, October 26th, 2020

furnace-burnersWith temperatures trending downward, now is the time we all start thinking about our heating systems—how well they’re working, how much you’re paying for their month-to-month use, and any repairs you need have done on these systems. We hope, too, that you’ve considered the most important fall step you can take for your heater—scheduling heating maintenance!

Maintenance is the best way to keep your system functioning as efficiently as possible for as long as possible, while avoiding up to 85% of the repair needs the system might ever have. Read on as we uncover just why it’s so important to have this service done, and how your system and your budget will benefit.

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Follow These Steps to Shut Down Your AC for Winter

Monday, October 12th, 2020

snow-on-and-around-houseWith temperatures still hovering in the 70’s, there’s a very good chance you’re still using your air conditioner. Pretty soon, however, you’ll look at the upcoming weather forecast and be ready to turn your AC off for good in favor of your heater.

That makes now the perfect time to schedule heating maintenance if you haven’t done so already, and you can arrange for that right now by giving our team a call. We provide tune-ups for a wide range of heating systems!

But before you start using your heater full-time, we want you to take one very important step–turn off your air conditioner until next spring! And this isn’t as simple as just flipping off a switch. Read on as we walk you through how to do this.

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Heed These Late Season AC Tips!

Monday, August 17th, 2020

animated-gif-checklistSummer is nearing its final weeks. This means that soon enough we’ll be able to turn off our air conditioners and start enjoying cooler weather again! Except, maybe you shouldn’t rush to just shut off that AC system without giving it a second thought.

The thing is, this is the time of year that air conditioners are most likely to break down, especially if they’re older cooling systems or they had repair needs that weren’t taken care of. Your system can also breakdown if you skipped maintenance this year. The reason for this is because they’ve been through so much work over the last several months. Heed the tips below to ensure that next spring, you’ll have an air conditioner ready to work through another summer!

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AC Sounds You Shouldn’t Neglect

Monday, August 3rd, 2020

woman-covering-her-earsWe may not have as sweltering summers as they do in other parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean our air conditioning systems don’t get quite the workout! In fact, they go through a lot of strain throughout the years, accumulating natural wear and tear that can shorten their lifespan and lead to efficiency problems.

Of course, you can prevent most of these problems by staying on top of your maintenance needs. If you have a standard air conditioner, this means scheduling routine tune-ups once a year. If you have a 2-in-1 heat pump system, it means scheduling a tune-up every 6 months.

Regardless of how good you are at staying on top of maintenance, however, it’s also important that you be aware of the signs that something is wrong with your cooling system. One of these signs is strange and unfamiliar noises. But what noises are we talking about, exactly? Read on!

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It’s Never Too Late! Why You Should Schedule AC Maintenance

Monday, July 20th, 2020

two-technicians-looking-over-checklist-as-they-service-air-conditionerHomeowners may often hear us say, or even read on our blog, that it’s best to schedule air conditioning maintenance in the spring, before you need the system the most. This is true! The reason we say it is because it’s the most convenient time for you to have it done. This is the time where HVAC professionals are less busy, and it’s easier for you to get a professional out on your schedule to get a tune-up done.

During the summer, HVAC pros such as ourselves are often out on emergency calls, and it may be a little harder to pin us down as soon as you would like. Plus, if you have an emergency yourself due to skipping maintenance, that puts a strain on your household and quality of life.

All that said, the only time it’s ever “too late” for AC maintenance, is if your system completely broke down and there is no chance for repair. We would much rather see you schedule AC maintenance on a consistent basis (once a year) than skip it altogether because you “didn’t get to it in time.” But why does this matter so much? Read on as we explain! 

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Is it Too Late for Furnace Maintenance?

Monday, February 17th, 2020

technician-working-on-furnaceIn the absence of a complete furnace breakdown, which may require replacement of the system altogether, no it is never too late for furnace maintenance.

“But I always hear that I need to schedule it in the fall…”

Yes, that’s true, this is our recommendation for your heating maintenance. The reason we suggest this is because it gives our techs a chance to thoroughly inspect, adjust, and clean your system before you need it the most. We also recommend that you have air conditioning maintenance done in the spring for the same reason.

Is maintenance really a big deal though? Read on as we answer that question, in detail.

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