Design Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Holladay’

Is My Furnace in Trouble?

Monday, November 9th, 2015

As the heating season progresses, you’ll find yourself running your heater, furnace or otherwise, more and more regularly. Hopefully you’ve had your heater professionally maintained prior to this point, so that it is in the best working condition possible during its heaviest usage time of the year. Even if your system was well-tuned up, though, there is always a chance that you’ll encounter problems of some sort over the course of the heating season. Should this happen, you need to recognize the problem as soon as possible so as to have the issues resolved promptly. Failure to schedule prompt furnace repairs in Holladay, UT can lead to compromised comfort, and even further damage to your system. Contact Design Comfort if you have any heating system concerns.

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Why Radiant Heating Deserves Your Consideration

Monday, October 12th, 2015

Forced air heating is probably the most popular residential heating method out there. This type of heating includes systems such as furnaces and heat pumps. However, there are other options which are well worth your consideration, including radiant heating in Holladay, UT. If you are thinking about investing in a new home heating system, it is important that you consider any and all available options. You just may find that there is a heater out there that suits your needs and preferences, but which you just have not encountered before. Read the following information, and schedule service with Design Comfort if you decide that residential heating is right for your home. 

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What is Kettling and why is it Dangerous?

Monday, March 30th, 2015

The sound of a kettle boiling is considered comforting and cozy by most people. It’s a bit less cozy when it comes from your boiler, however. If your boiler is making a deep, rumbling sound during operation, that’s called “kettling.” It’s one of the most damaging things that can happen to boilers, and needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

While you’re waiting for a professional to arrive, though, you should know what causes kettling. The more you know about the problem, the better equipped you’ll be to address it.

Let’s take a look at what kettling is, and where it comes from.

Causes of Kettling

Kettling is the result of overexposure to hard water, which is water with a higher than normal mineral content. As the hard water flows through the heat exchanger in your boiler, it deposits small amounts of minerals on the walls of the pipe. Over time, these mineral deposits can develop into lime scale, which will restrict or even block the flow of water through the heat exchanger. This causes the water trapped in the heat exchanger to boil and evaporate, which puts pressure on the heat exchanger. The rumbling sound is caused by the steam in the pipe straining to escape.

Effects of Kettling

Believe it or not, most boilers are not meant to actually boil water. When the water in the heat exchanger boils and evaporates into steam, it puts the pipe under far more pressure than it is designed to handle. If the pressure is not relieved in short order, the heat exchanger may burst and damage the boiler. Most boilers have safety measures in place to prevent things from getting that far, but it is still not a good condition to allow to continue. The deposits that cause kettling also prevent enough hot water from being distributed through the house, which will lead to a drop in heating.

If you notice that your boiler is kettling, you need to have it looked at as soon as possible. Call Design Comfort. We provide boilers throughout the Holladay area.

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Steps to Take with Your Furnace at the End of Heating Season

Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Another season of using furnaces to keep our homes warm has come to an end, and the hum of air conditioners will soon take over. But as the calendar moves toward the end of spring and into the heat of summer, there are some important steps to take regarding the furnaces that will sit tranquil for the next few months.

No, you’re not done with your furnace yet.

Our professionals at Design Comfort have some advice on steps you can take to make sure your furnace has a good vacation and will be ready for the return of cooler weather in fall. Contact us for help with furnaces in Holladay, UT. We have NATE-certified technicians on staff with the skill and knowledge to handle any issues with your furnace.

Some steps for retiring your furnace for spring and summer

  • Check and change the air filter: This filter protects the interior of the furnace from debris that gets drawn in through the return vents. As debris collects in the filter, it will begin to clog and may reach a point where it chokes off airflow. Check the furnace’s filter, and if it is highly congested with dust, dirt, lint, and hair, change it for a fresh one so the furnace is ready to come back on whenever you need it.
  • Run the furnace for an hour to look for problems: It’s a good idea to have any necessary repairs for your furnace done long before winter arrives, and spring is an especially good time to take care of them because HVAC repair technicians have less crowded schedules. Turn on your furnace for an hour and listen for odd noises from the cabinets or weird smells from the vents. Check the airflow from the vents. See if the heat level feels right for what the thermostat displays. Should anything seem amiss, call for repairs right away.
  • Schedule maintenance if more than a year has passed: Annual maintenance for a furnace from a professional is a must. It helps avoid breakdowns, energy waste, and safety issues. Usually, furnace maintenance takes place in the fall. If you did not have it done then, and more than a year has passed since the last maintenance session, have it done now. Make sure your furnace is in the best shape possible for when it roars back to life in fall.

We want you to have any concerns about your furnace removed from your mind as you enjoy the spring and summer. Let our Design Comfort specialists in furnaces in Holladay, UT help you make the final fixes, adjustments, and inspections on your heating system so you can turn it off for the next few months without worrying about turning it back on again in fall.

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Stages of Installing a New Heating System

Thursday, February 6th, 2014

Having a new whole-house heater installed isn’t like putting in a window air conditioning unit or plugging in a space heater. There are many steps involved in the correct installation of a heater; we’ll go over the basic ones in this post. Each type of heating system will have its own particular steps, and some will take more time than others. If you’ve hired the right installers for the job, you should experience no troubles with your installation.

Design Comfort installs a variety of heating systems, from boilers to radiant floor heaters. We have the experience necessary to make your heating installation in Holladay, UT go as smoothly as possible.

Basic heating installation steps

  • Selecting the new system: There are many choices for heating systems available today, all with different pros and cons. However, some systems will make better fits for your home than others, so when it comes to picking out a new heater, you’ll need the advice of professionals. This is why you should have installers involved from the beginning. They can look over your home, analyze how much heat it needs, and lay out your best options. From there, you will need to look at your long term budget plans to help you make the choice that will give you the ideal performance.
  • Sizing the system: Next, the heater must be sized to find a unit with the right amount of heating power. A system cannot be too large or too small for the space it is supposed to heat; either will cause it to drain energy and end up giving the wrong level of heating. The installers will do a heat load calculation to take into account many factors about your house and then use that information to determine the right-sized heater to do the job.
  • Removing the older heating system: When the day comes to install the new heater, the first and usually most time-consuming step is to remove your current heating system.
  • Place the new system: The installers will put the new system in place where it can access the various ductwork, pipes, power supply, etc. that it needs. Usually, the system will be bolted to the floor.
  • Make the necessary connections: The installers will now make the connections between the new heater and its distributions system (ducts, pipes) and then its power supply (electricity, gas lines).
  • Test the system: The installers won’t leave your home until they are certain your new heater operates correctly and poses no safety hazards.

Make sure you hire professionals

As these steps should make clear, heating installation is a large task that you can’t do on your own, nor should you entrust it to amateurs. For your heating installation in Holladay, UT, rely on Design Comfort. We’ve delivered quality heating since 1982.

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Replacing Your Furnace with a Different System

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Has your old reliable gas furnace at last come to the end of the line? It had to happen at some point; no matter how well you maintain a furnace, eventually the years will wear down its components to the point that it must be replaced.

But maybe you’re interested in a change. Instead of installing a new furnace, why not consider one of the other options for your Holladay, UT heating? Here are a few systems that can provide you with excellent warmth this winter. Call Design Comfort today to find out more about your replacement alternatives.

Some options to consider for replacement:

  • Heat pumps: We put this system first because it also uses ductwork to distribute heat, so it is usually a simple job for installers to connect one in place of a furnace. Heat pumps are versatile systems that function as both heaters and air conditioners, which is perfect for the temperature differences in Utah. Because of heat pumps’ more efficient use of energy (they don’t create heat, they only move it), switching to one from a furnace can mean up to 30% savings off your heating bills.
  • Boiler: If you want to switch over from forced-air heating and ductwork to the cleaner power of hydronic heating, a boiler is an excellent choice. Boilers can work from the same natural gas line used for your gas furnace, making them ideal if you still want to benefit from the lower cost of gas. Boilers perform at high efficiency and need few repairs, so they can outlast most other systems.
  • Radiant floor heating: This is also a hydronic system, but instead of using baseboard heaters (or radiators) to send out heat into a room, they use pipes built into the floor to warm up the floorboards themselves. Radiant heating is quiet and creates cozy and even heating. However, they require more construction work to install than other systems because they must be fit into your floors.
  • Ductless mini split heat pumps: This is another option for heat pumps, but they bypass the use of ductwork and instead send heated (or cooled) air directly into rooms through individual wall-mounted blower units. Ductless systems can save you money off heating because you can control the heat in different rooms through the blowers, eliminating the need to heat rooms that aren’t being used.

Whatever system you decide to have installed, make sure that you hire trained professionals to do the work. Our team at Design Comfort  can perform a heat load calculation to help you find the right sized system, and then we’ll install it so you’ll get the full benefit of your new heating in Holladay, UT.

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4 Characteristics of a Great Plumber

Wednesday, December 18th, 2013

Your home deserves to have only the best service when it comes to your plumbing in Holladay, UT. You don’t want shoddy, amateur work creating even more problems for you. But how can you find the best service?

It’s easier than you might think: the best service comes from the best plumbers, and we’ve put together a list of qualities that you should look for when you hunt for a professional plumber to take care of repairs, installation, or any other plumbing service for your home.

Call Design Comfort when you’re ready for an excellent plumber who has all of the qualifications listed below.

Look for these 4 characteristic of a great plumber:

  1. Many years of experience: Plumbers can have excellent training and all the right licenses, but there is no substitute for years of hands-on experience in the business. Look for a plumber with at least a decade of work under his or her belt.
  2. Professional qualifications: However, you still need a plumber with the proper certifications of a professional. No matter what claims an amateur makes, and amateur is still an amateur.
  3. Offers a variety of services: Look over the plumber’s website to see what kind of work is covered. Plumbers who offer extensive services like whole house repiping, and specialty services like installing sprinkler systems and low flow toilets, are probably more experienced to handle repairs because they bring in a range of knowledge to any work they do.
  4. 24-hour emergency service: Plumbing problems don’t keep to a convenient schedule; they love to spring up at the worst times. Make certain you hire a plumber with the commitment to help you 24/7.

Turn to Design Comfort to find your ideal plumber

Design Comfort was founded in 1982, and since then we’ve served in all capacities of plumbing: installation, repiping, repairs, drain and sewer, garbage disposals, leak detection, main water lines, sprinkler systems, and more. Our highly-trained and experienced plumbers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for any emergency that strikes your plumbing. When you are shopping for professional plumbing services in Holladay, UT, make us your first call… and we think we’ll be your only call.

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Take It from a Pro: How Does My Electricity Create Heat?

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

When people first think of “heating,” they imagine fire. They think of fireplaces, wood burning in stoves, and gas jets warming air in a furnace or water in a boiler. However, electricity is one of the major fuel sources for indoor heating, powering many boilers and furnaces. You might have wondered exactly how the electrical power in your home translates into heat. We’ll give you a short rundown.

If you need help with an electrical heater so you get quality holiday heating, contact Design Comfort. Our NATE-certified Holladay heating technicians are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to make sure you have a comfortable holiday season.

Electricity into heat

The key aspect of how electricity provides heat is resistance. As electricity passes through conductive material, like a copper wire, resistance causes the flow of electrons to pack together closer, and produce heat. If you’ve ever touched an incandescent light bulb, you’ll know about the heat given off from electricity going through a single electrical filament.

Let’s turn to the electric furnace and examine how it operates. The interior of the cabinet of an electrical furnace contains an array of heating elements that consist of coils made from conductive material. An electrical ignition runs current through these coils, enough to make them begin to glow red hot and give off heat. This heat transfers to the air in the cabinet, and this hot air is what goes through the vents of the system. Where gas-powered furnaces need to first transfer the combustion gases’ heat to the walls of a heat exchanger before raising the air temperature, electrical furnaces can transfer their heat more directly.

Electric boilers take a similar approach to how they transfer heat, this time raising the temperature of water. Electric heating elements are located inside the boiler tank itself—usually one near the top of the tank and one near the bottom—and turn hot as current runs through them. This directly raises the water temperature, the same way that an electric stove top boils water.

Electric heater safety

One of the advantages that electric heaters have over natural gas-powered heaters is that they are relatively safer, offering no risks from carbon monoxide leaks. But this doesn’t mean you should try to fix a broken electric furnace or boiler on your own; this kind of tampering can lead to high voltage shocks. Instead, call on HVAC repair experts. Design Comfort is prepared to handle any troubles you may have this holiday with heating your home safely and effectively. We will do everything we can to deliver you 100% customer satisfaction.

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