Design Comfort Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating Repair’

Schedule This Service Today, Prevent Heating Repairs Tomorrow!

Monday, November 25th, 2019

jets-of-a-furnace-firingWe’re talking about heating maintenance! This service is one of the most important that you can schedule in your home this time of the year. We typically recommend that maintenance tune-ups for heating systems be done in the early fall, before you need your system the most. But it’s more important that you be consistent with these appointments, no matter the time of year.

And no, before you ask, heating maintenance isn’t something you can do on your own. It’s a job that requires experienced and highly trained HVAC professionals. Aside from changing out your air filter if you have a forced-air heater or making sure the area around your system is clean and free of obstructions, maintenance should be left to the pros.

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The One Furnace Problem You Never Want

Monday, March 4th, 2019

technician-looking-over-furnaceOkay, nobody wants a furnace problem at all. But there is one in particular that should be avoided more than the rest due to the potential hazard it brings—and that is a cracked heat exchanger.

If your home is like the majority in Salt Lake City, it’s very likely that you’re using a gas-powered furnace to heat your home. Gas furnaces not only provide a large amount of heat, but they do so at less expense than electric heating systems, since natural gas costs less than electricity per unit.

But any natural-gas appliance, while built with safety features and customer safety in mind, has the potential to develop hazards. We don’t say this to alarm you, especially if your furnace is well maintained and on the newer side. However, we definitely do want you to be aware of the danger of a cracked heat exchanger.

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You Probably Aren’t Imagining Those Ominous Heater Sounds

Monday, October 29th, 2018

beautiful surprised young woman in glasses standing in front of wonderful blue backgroundThe gentle hum of your heating system as you start it up is, of course, nothing to be alarmed about. After all, you know the normal noises of your heating system, which means that you can typically tell when something is “off.” A strange noise doesn’t automatically mean you have a heating emergency on your hands, but it is definitely something to pay attention to, and call for Salt Lake City heating repair from a trained professional ASAP.

In the meantime, want to know what these ominous heater sounds actually mean? Keep reading to learn about the most common noises we get calls for and what they might indicate, then, give us a call so we can stop those noises once and for all!

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How to Choose a Heater Worth Your Investment

Monday, October 15th, 2018

green-home-see-saw-moneyWith temperatures already taking a nosedive, now is not the time to be facing a broken down heater. Nevertheless, it might happen. Particularly if you had an aging heater and/or if you skipped maintenance for said heater. Of course, the first option is to schedule a Salt Lake City heating repair service, but what if that isn’t enough? What if you find that you need a new heating system altogether?

Your first instinct might be to rush out and buy the very first heater you can find within your budget, and the same model as the one you have now, to spare any extra time the installation could take otherwise. We understand this urgency, but also think it’s very important to consider your purchase and make sure that not only are you thinking about your initial budget, but how you might cut back on monthly expenses moving forward. So how can you choose the best heater? And what are your options?

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When One More Heating Repair Just Isn’t Enough

Monday, February 19th, 2018

return air vent on wallWe hope that you scheduled your heating maintenance before the heating season began, just like you should be doing each and every year (or twice a year, if you have a heat pump). We also hope that when a professional recommends heating repair in Salt Lake City, UT, that you take care of it right away. After all, this is the only way to properly care for your heater, no matter what type you have.

Eventually though, you will have to replace your heater. No amount of maintenance or timely repairs will prevent a heating system from aging—eventually “just one more repair” just won’t cut it. But how do you know whether or not the time has come to start considering a heater replacement or upgrade? It’s not always easy to tell, but we do have some common signs that you can watch for. If any of the three scenarios describe what you’re going through, be sure to give our pros a call.

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Maintenance Can Prevent These Common Heater Problems

Monday, January 8th, 2018

male technician servicing furnaceThere’s no denying that winter is here, and temperatures aren’t even at their coldest yet! Chances are though, you’re already using your heater on a daily basis. In the following weeks you’ll be putting a lot of strain on the system, so before you read any further, be sure to schedule maintenance if you haven’t done so already in the past year (or in the past 6 months, if you have a heat pump).

Even with maintenance, there is no guarantee that your heater will work 100% without malfunction or the need for Salt Lake City, UT heating repair throughout its lifespan. But the thorough inspection, cleaning, and adjusting that happens during maintenance can certainly help fend off some of the most common heater problems we receive calls for, such as the following.  

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Should it Smell When I Start up My Heater?

Monday, November 7th, 2016

We’re at that time of year that while it’s not necessarily time to run our heaters all day, every day, our nighttime temperatures are certainly cooling off to the point that you’re likely going to start your heater up soon if you haven’t already.

If you have turned it on to test it out or take the chill out of the nighttime air, did you notice anything strange? Did you detect an odd odor coming from your furnace? If so, there are a number of reasons this might have occurred. Answering the question of whether or not it should smell when you start it up depends on a few different factors.

Dust Buildup

The most common, and the least concerning, explanation for a smelly furnace upon startup is that you have a buildup of dust on your electric heating coils or on the burners in your furnace. Over the course of the summer season, there’s plenty of time for dust and dirt to accumulate on these components, as your furnace is not in use. The smell is usually caused by this dust burning off and should dissipate after a couple hours of use.

When the Problem is More Serious

If the smell seems to resemble melting plastic, then you may have a more serious problem on your hands. This could very likely be the sign of an electrical issue that is causing the wiring within your system to get too hot. If this is the case, the integrity and condition of your furnace is at risk, and it’s a fire hazard. Be sure you have this addressed right away.

Foreign Object in Your Heater

One last possibility is that a child’s or pet’s toy made its way into your ducts. If something like this makes its way through the vent grills, then you might be able to pull it out on your own. However, if no object is immediately visible, then it’s time to call a professional to complete an extraction without risking damage to your system.

To schedule Cottonwood Heights, UT heating repair and to learn why our customers say
“I love my Design Comfort,” just reach out to us today!

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What to Check If Your Heater Stops Working

Monday, March 14th, 2016

With plenty of cold weather still ahead of us—especially at night—a functioning heater is essential. As all Salt Lake City, UT residents are aware, nobody wants their comfort to be disrupted by a seemingly failing heating system. Your first instinct may naturally be to call for repairs. We are happy to take your call and do offer these services. However before you contact us, check for the following factors to make sure there’s not a simple explanation for your heater not working.

Check Your Power Supply

When a heater stops working, your assumption may automatically be that there’s something wrong with the system, but this might not actually be the case. Perhaps the power switch got turned off by accident. This might have occurred as you were getting other work done to your home. Make sure your HVAC breakers and flipped to the “on” position and check your system again.

Change Your Air Filters

Are your air filters looking particularly dirty? If they haven’t been replaced in a while, they may be clogged and preventing airflow from passing through. As a result, you may notice a lot less power than usual coming from the system.

Check Your Vents

Have you recently moved any furniture or large objects in your home that can be blocking vents? Look around your vents, grills, and air registers to make sure there is nothing blocking them, and to see that there is sufficient airflow.

Check the Safety Switch

Heating systems have a safety switch on or near them. Depending on where your system is located, this switch might have been bumped off by a family member, pet, etc. Be sure to check this before assuming that you need heater repairs.

Let’s say that you’ve checked all the factors above, and/or your heater is showing troubling symptoms. It’s now time to call for a repair. Signs that your system may not be working properly include insufficient or uneven heating, or cold air coming from your heater.

Call our experts at Design Comfort for heating repair services in Salt Lake City, UT.



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When Should I Schedule Heating Repairs?

Monday, February 15th, 2016

As we discussed earlier this month, many homeowners hold a mistaken belief that heating system maintenance is all about the timing. Truthfully, while maintenance is vital to the performance of your system, if it’s being done regularly then the time of the year doesn’t actually matter. What about repairs though? Can certain repairs wait, or should they be taken care of right away?

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When to Consider Heating Repair Services

Monday, September 28th, 2015

After a long, hot summer, moving into the cooler time of the year can actually come as something of a relief. However, you must know for certain that your heating system is in great working condition if you hope to live comfortably as the “cooler time of the year” transitions into the full-fledged winter season. As well-made and routinely serviced as your heater may be, remember that no heater is ever going to offer 100% reliability. With that in mind, it behooves you to learn to recognize the signs that your heater is in trouble. Below you’ll find a few examples of instances in which you should schedule professional heating repair in Salt Lake City, UT. If you notice these issues, call Design Comfort to schedule service.

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