Design Comfort Blog

Is It Ever Too Late to Install an Air Conditioner?

September 13th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitThe short answer to the question of “is it ever too late to install an air conditioner” is usually no, but right now we’d say it depends. 

As you may or may not be aware of, the pandemic has caused a shortage in HVAC equipment across the country, which does make it a bit more challenging for homeowners to find the perfect system. But with a trained professional’s help, you can certainly explore your options and find the right system for your home with a little bit of patience and time. The good news is, temperatures are cooling down! So you actually have quite a while before you need your new air conditioner.

Read on as we uncover factors to consider when installing a new air conditioner.

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What Causes an AC to Short Cycle and Why It’s a Problem

August 16th, 2021

woman-covering-her-earsUnfortunately, air conditioners suffer from wear and tear, just like any other appliance or piece of equipment. Not all problems have to be catastrophes though! If you keep up on maintenance each year, and schedule repairs as needed, you can keep your AC system in great shape for as long as possible (typically 10-15 years). One of these repair needs we speak of is short-cycling. Short-cycling is not only a symptom of a problem but it’s also the cause of a problem. Fortunately, you may only need a few simple adjustments from a trained professional, or the problem could be a little more complicated. But you won’t know until you give us a call to check it out!

Ignoring short-cycling means you could find yourself facing a premature air conditioner replacement. In the meantime, you could waste a lot of energy and money. Read on to learn more about this particular AC problem!

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4 AC Sounds You Should Never Ignore

August 2nd, 2021

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenModern air conditioners are designed to make little noise, if at all. This ensures that you get less of a headache and more peace and quiet in your home. However, if your AC starts making all kinds of weird sounds, then it may be time to get professional AC repair in Salt Lake City.

Let us look at some of the common sounds that air conditioners make and what problems they signify.

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Do You Know What’s in Your Water?

July 19th, 2021

view-from-under-waterWater is essential for our survival and plays a crucial role in our health. Clean water is necessary to keep us hydrated. We use it for cooking our food and for taking care of our hygiene. These are all obvious facts that we’re sure you already know. What isn’t so obvious is what could lurk in the water you use at home in your everyday life.

You might be surprised to learn that your water supply could be full of contaminants that can harm your well-being. Even if the water does not have contaminants, it could contain dissolved minerals that can wreak havoc on the plumbing and any appliances that use water. Also called hard water, the mineral deposits from the water can result in irritated skin, dry hair, and several other problems throughout the house.

Investing in a Salt Lake City water treatment system could play a critical role in keeping you and your family and plumbing safe from contaminants and minerals in the water.

This post will tell you about some of the benefits of installing a water filtration system so that you can make an informed decision on how to get a safer water supply at home.

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Why Is Your Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

July 5th, 2021

white-question-mark-on-blue-circleAs the temperature begins getting higher and higher in Salt Lake City, keeping your air conditioner on becomes more important to ensure that your home is cool and comfortable. 

As long as the air conditioner is working fine, people tend to ignore the maintenance needs for the unit. Not scheduling regular maintenance can start causing your AC to malfunction.

One possible air conditioner problem people face is that their unit starts leaking water inside the house. Is your air conditioner leaking water? Are you wondering why that’s happening?

We will discuss some of the reasons your air conditioner might be leaking water and help you understand why it’s important to call professionals for Salt Lake City AC repair immediately.

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It’s Not Too Late: Schedule This Important AC Service

June 21st, 2021

two-techs-working-on-outside-ac-unitWith summer officially upon us and temperatures trending upward, you may have come to the realization that it’s time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner. Or maybe you think it’s too late and that you “may as well skip it this year since you waited too long.” Unfortunately, this could have the exact opposite effect you want it to, leading to operational and efficiency problems for your air conditioner.

Unless your cooling system has broken down beyond repair, it’s never too late for a tune-up. In fact, AC maintenance is a prime example of “it’s better late than never,” and there are many benefits to maintenance (in addition to enrolling in our maintenance program!) Read on to learn more. 

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Beware These Signs That Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling

June 7th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitIt is relatively common for electronics and appliances to malfunction at times, especially if they have many moving parts. Even with timely maintenance, your AC might not be performing to its peak capacity, simply due to age and natural wear and tear. 

How would you know that your AC is struggling though? Air conditioning is a blessing, but when it doesn’t work properly, it can cause great annoyance. Let’s help you figure out whether your AC is underperforming!

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Hissing?

May 24th, 2021

refrigerant-lineAre you hearing something that resembles air being let out of a tire, or maybe the last sip of soda being sucked out of a straw—but these sounds are coming from your air conditioning system? The most likely culprit for this noise is a refrigerant leak.

Refrigerant is a fluid that is supplied for the air conditioner upon manufacturing. Ideally, your air conditioner will have enough refrigerant from day one to last its entire lifecycle. Dishonest “professionals” may tell you that refrigerant needs to be recharged (refilled) on a routine basis, but this isn’t the case. The only reasons your refrigerant should ever need to be recharged is in the case that it wasn’t properly charged to begin with, or there is a leak.

The longer you wait to repair this leak, the bigger risk there is of serious AC damage happening, probably to the compressor component, which is essentially the heart of the air conditioner. But how do you know if you even have a refrigerant leak if you don’t hear that hissing? Read on!

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Should You Invest in Professional Water Testing?

May 10th, 2021

glass-of-waterIf you get water from a main line from the city, rather than a well on your property, then you probably understand that the water goes through an extensive treatment process before it reaches your home’s faucets. The effectiveness of these water treatment facilities does vary, though they’re all mostly good enough to remove the majority of harmful materials. Still though, there’s a long way to go between that plant and your home, and there is always a small chance that some trace elements of contaminants can make their way into your water supply.

There is really no “safe level of exposure to these contaminants. If you want to truly protect your water supply, then you’ll want to have a water treatment system professionally installed. Before you reach that step though, you’ll want to have your water tested to see exactly which water treatment system or combination of water treatment systems will help. Read on to learn some signs that you may have water quality problems, then give us a call when you’re ready for professional water testing!

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Why an HVAC Air Filter Isn’t Enough

April 26th, 2021

hvac-air-filterFor many homeowners, when they hear the term indoor air quality, they think about the temperature of their home. Chances are, you’re one of these homeowners. If you’ve never questioned what sort of indoor air quality solutions may be best for you, you might not even realize how many options you have. No, the HVAC air filter isn’t sufficient for protecting your indoor air quality. In fact, that’s not even its purpose.

The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC system does block particles like dirt, dust, and other contaminants. But it does this to protect the interior components of the HVAC system itself, not your indoor air. So even though it doesn’t hurt your indoor air quality, it’s not enough to resolve any air quality issues your home might have. For this, you may want to consider the installation of a whole-home air purifier.

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