Design Comfort Blog

3 Tips for Avoiding Clogged Drains

June 8th, 2015

Your drains may be unsung heroes most of the time, as you likely don’t pay them much attention. This is likely to change drastically, though, when you begin to encounter problems with your drains. We rely on the drains in our homes to remove wastewater from our sinks, bathtubs, showers and plumbed appliances. The issue is, though, that drains do not always function as intended. In many instances, operational problems with drains, with drain clogs being the most common, are the result of user error. To help you avoid making any such errors when using your drains, we’ve put together 3 simple tips to help you avoid clogs in your drains. Contact Design Comfort if you notice any issues with backed up or slow moving drains in your home, and schedule professional drain cleaning in Salt Lake City, UT.

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Is it Time to Replace My Air Conditioner?

June 1st, 2015

We may not have reached the hottest time of the year just yet, but the time is right to take stock of your air conditioning system. Give it some serious thought, a truthful evaluation, and be honest with yourself; if you suspect that the time may be right for an air conditioning replacement in Salt Lake City, UT, give Design Comfort a call today. Not only do we carry a great selection of residential cooling systems from which to choose, but we are also more than happy to install yours with the greatest of care. Protect your comfort this summer by scheduling your air conditioning replacement with the pros on our staff. 

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Is it Time to Schedule Water Heater Repair?

May 18th, 2015

Even those of us who prefer to live simply will admit that the water heater is an essential appliance. Nobody in this day and age is heating buckets of water over an open fire and pouring that water into a tub just to bathe or to do the laundry. We depend upon our water heaters to provide the hot water for such chores and daily tasks, as well as for washing the dishes, general cleaning and so much more. That is why it is so important to schedule prompt water heater repair services when you believe that something has gone wrong with your system. For outstanding water heater repairs in Salt Lake City, UT, schedule service with the pros at Design Comfort.

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Should I Buy UV Germicidal Lights or Not?

May 18th, 2015

Maintaining comfortable temperatures throughout one’s home all year long is fairly straightforward when compared with maintaining great indoor air quality. Sure, there are many different types of heating and air conditioning systems, but the basic principle is the same: heat up your home when it’s cold out, cool it down when the temperature rises. With your indoor air quality, though, there are many different factors to consider, including the nature of any problems itself. That is why you must hire a Salt Lake City, UT indoor air quality specialist if you hope to successfully counteract any problems with the quality of the air in your home. Call Design Comfort today to do so.

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Potential Causes of Smelly Drains

May 11th, 2015

Indoor plumbing is undoubtedly one of the greatest luxuries that we enjoy in our homes today. That being said, there are plenty of issues which may develop with modern plumbing systems which can negatively impact the operation or condition of that system. One of the most undesirable issues that homeowners often face is a foul odor coming from the drains in their homes. This may not seem like an emergency at first, but it should go without saying that any such problems ought to be resolved as soon as possible. Plumbing repairs may be necessary, and it is important that you schedule any such repairs with a trained professional. Call the professional Salt Lake City, UT plumbers at Design Comfort to ensure that this is the case.

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3 Signs of Leaking Refrigerant in Your Air Conditioner

May 4th, 2015

Air conditioners rely on refrigerant to do their job: mixtures of chemicals that circulate through your system and make it possible to cool the air. Every air conditioner relies upon a specific type of refrigerant in specifics amounts. When that amount drops due to a leak or breach in your system, it can cause a number of serious problems. Your air conditioner will struggle to do its job, creating more strain on the system while raising both your monthly bills and the possibility of repairs. Here in Salt Lake City, UT, summer is just around the corner, and the sooner you deal with leaking refrigerant, the better. But how can you tell if this is the problem? Here are 3 signs of leaking refrigerant in your air conditioner to look out for.

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Do I Need to Have My Water Tested?

April 27th, 2015

Access to clean, potable water is something that we here at Design Comfort believe to be a right, not a privilege. If you have any concerns at all regarding the quality of the water that is piped into your home, then we suggest that you schedule professional water testing services in Salt Lake City, UT immediately. There is no reason to ignore any issues with your water, such as a foul taste or any strange odors that it may give off. A number of different problems may lead to the contamination of one’s water, especially if you use a private water source, such as a well on your property. To schedule thorough water testing throughout the area, just give a member of our team a call today.

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When to Call for Air Conditioning Repairs

April 20th, 2015

It is not uncommon for homeowners to fire up their air conditioning systems during the early days of the cooling season, only to find that their air conditioner is not performing at the level they recall. It is best to have any problems with your air conditioning system evaluated, diagnosed, and resolved before the real heat of summer is well under way. Putting off repair needs can lead to further complications down the line, and you’ll find that the further you get into the summer months, the busier technicians are. Familiarize yourself with the following information, and schedule air conditioning repairs in Salt Lake City, UT at the first sign of trouble from your AC. Contact Design Comfort today if you need to have your cooling system repaired. 

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3 Great Reasons to Schedule Air Conditioning Maintenance

April 13th, 2015

Folks around here are certainly looking forward to the hot, sunny summer weather. It is a lot easier to greet the summer season with open arms when you know that your air conditioning system will be there for you when you need it most. If you fail to schedule routine air conditioning maintenance with a qualified professional, though, there is simply no way in which you can have well-deserved confidence in your system being able to cool your home properly. We’ve put together a few big reasons as to why you should schedule routine air conditioning maintenance before the onset of the summer season below. Let us know if you have any questions. Schedule your air conditioning maintenance in Salt Lake City, UT with Design Comfort to cool your home reliably this summer.

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How Sizing Impacts the Success of Your Air Conditioning Installation

April 6th, 2015

One of the primary factors to consider prior to investing in a new air conditioning system for installation in your home is the size of the system to be used. When we talk about size, however, we don’t mean that you don’t want to invest in an AC that won’t physically fit on your property – though that would be a serious problem. Instead, we mean that you must have an air conditioner which is appropriately sized for handling the cooling load that it will take to keep your home comfortable throughout the hottest time of the year. When you hire Design Comfort to complete your air conditioning installation in Salt Lake City, UT, you can count on the job being done right and that you’ll have an AC perfectly suited to your needs.

If your air conditioner is too small to handle your cooling load, a number of issues will make themselves evident before long. Your air conditioner is going to struggle to bring temperatures down to the desired temperature, and it will run on longer cycles than would be ideal in order to do so. What this means is that you may actually wind up spending more money than you should have to in order to cool your home, often with only a subpar cooling performance to show for it. By scheduling a professional installation of an appropriately sized air conditioner, you can cool your home both effectively and efficiently.

You may think, with this in mind, that going bigger is always better. However, you should know that using an air conditioner which is too large for your home is actually as problematic as using an undersized system. Sure, an oversized AC will be able to cool your living space effectively. However, it will do so too quickly, reducing its dehumidification efforts and causing the system to short cycle. This too can eat up more energy than you should have to use, and can put unnecessary wear and tear on your cooling system.

Trust Design Comfort to ensure that your air conditioner is of the right size for your needs, and that it is installed properly every step of the way. We know that cooling one’s home is a top priority among homeowners, especially during the peak heat of the summer season. That is why we take every precaution to guarantee the complete success of your air conditioning installation.

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