Design Comfort Blog

3 Benefits of Using a Boiler

October 26th, 2015

When the winter weather is at its most intense, you will see with absolute clarity all of the faults of your home heating system. Even if your heater is in good working condition, and even if it is capable of heating your home effectively, the fact remains that you may be put off by some of the basic features or drawbacks of common heating systems. While forced air distribution heating systems, such as furnaces, are incredibly popular, there are some issues in regard to their performance that drive many homeowners to consider alternative heating options. The boiler is among the most common. Read on to learn about some of the basic benefits of using a boiler in Millcreek, UT, and remember to schedule your boiler services with Design Comfort.

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Choosing the Right Furnace for Your Home

October 12th, 2015

For countless homeowners throughout the nation, the furnace represents the ideal home heating solution. By heating air and then distributing that heated air throughout your home via a system of ductwork, a furnace can heat your living space in a very effective, very prompt manner. In order to ensure that you are able to fully enjoy the benefits of your furnace in Holladay, UT, you need to do more than just invest in a quality product from a dependable manufacturer. You must also be sure to choose the furnace that best suits your home and personal user preferences. When you work with the professional furnace technicians here at Design Comfort, you can count on this being the case.

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Why Radiant Heating Deserves Your Consideration

October 12th, 2015

Forced air heating is probably the most popular residential heating method out there. This type of heating includes systems such as furnaces and heat pumps. However, there are other options which are well worth your consideration, including radiant heating in Holladay, UT. If you are thinking about investing in a new home heating system, it is important that you consider any and all available options. You just may find that there is a heater out there that suits your needs and preferences, but which you just have not encountered before. Read the following information, and schedule service with Design Comfort if you decide that residential heating is right for your home. 

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How Does Routine Heating Maintenance Benefit Me?

October 5th, 2015

Keeping your home warm and comfortable throughout the coldest time of the year is a goal that you share with all homeowners. The key to getting the very best performance that any home heating system has to offer is to schedule routine heating maintenance. Having your system maintained on a regular basis by a trained professional can benefit your heating system, your comfort and your budget in a number of ways. If you are looking for truly exceptional heating maintenance in Salt Lake City, UT, then you are in the right place. Give Design Comfort a call today, and know that your heating system is in capable hands.

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When to Consider Heating Repair Services

September 28th, 2015

After a long, hot summer, moving into the cooler time of the year can actually come as something of a relief. However, you must know for certain that your heating system is in great working condition if you hope to live comfortably as the “cooler time of the year” transitions into the full-fledged winter season. As well-made and routinely serviced as your heater may be, remember that no heater is ever going to offer 100% reliability. With that in mind, it behooves you to learn to recognize the signs that your heater is in trouble. Below you’ll find a few examples of instances in which you should schedule professional heating repair in Salt Lake City, UT. If you notice these issues, call Design Comfort to schedule service.

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Should I Schedule a Heating Replacement?

September 21st, 2015

After a long, hot summer season, the idea of cooler weather may be one that you welcome with open arms. Of course, this idea may differ somewhat from the harsh reality of the coldest time of the year. Regardless of whether or not you are eagerly anticipating the winter season, though, you are wise to take any necessary steps in ensuring that you are able to live comfortably throughout the coldest time of the year. To do so, you just may require a heating replacement in Salt Lake City, UT. Determining if a replacement is necessary can be tricky, though, especially if your system has not totally failed. Keep the following tips in mind, and call upon the experts at Design Comfort if you suspect that you could benefit from a heating replacement before winter sets in.

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Choosing Your New Heating System

September 14th, 2015

You may not be ready for summer to end, but this reticence on your part will do nothing to prevent the onset of winter in just a few short weeks. With this in mind, it is in your best interest to schedule your heating installation or replacement services  before the winter season can really get underway. Our technicians are only to get busier the closer heating season comes. If you are serious about enjoying reliable, consistent heating in Salt Lake City, UT, then schedule your heating services  with a member of our staff. Design Comfort is here to ensure that you have the right heating system in place for  your needs.

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Why the End of Summer Is a Good Time to Service Your Air Conditioner

September 7th, 2015

Now that summer is just about drawing to a close, you may be ready to pack your air conditioner in for the year and to move onto the heating season. Before you put your air conditioner out to pasture for the colder time of the year, though, we recommend that you have it serviced. Servicing your air conditioner at the close of the summer season has a few benefits to offer, even if it is not something that most homeowners would think to do on their own. If you have any questions regarding our AC services in Salt Lake City, UT, just give us a call. With the help of the professional technicians at Design Comfort, you can expect nothing shy of a truly outstanding performance from your whole-home cooling system. 

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Why Schedule Professional Water Testing?

August 31st, 2015

If you think that the water coming from the taps in your home is inherently of a high quality, you may want to rethink your stance. While homeowners with water coming from a municipal supply are certainly at less risk of exposure to dangerous contaminants in their water than those with private water supplies, there are plenty of instances in which any homeowner may be wise to schedule professional water testing in Salt Lake City, UT. You should never ignore any signs of problems with your water, even if it does come from a reservoir overseen by a governmental body. Below are some tips regarding when to schedule professional water testing. When you decide to do so, make sure that it is Design Comfort that you call.

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What Is an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

August 24th, 2015

At Design Comfort, we don’t think that our valued clients, yourself included, should have to choose between great comfort and great energy efficiency. However, because modern homes tend to be so tightly sealed in an effort to protect efficiency levels, there is one important facet in the overall comfort equation which frequently suffers: indoor air quality. Simply put, the failure to sufficiently ventilate your home is going to lead to problems with the quality of the air therein. As you may have guessed, though, we have a solution to share with you. Consider the use of an energy recovery ventilator in West Jordan, UT. If you decide, after reading the following information, that an ERV is right for, dial our number to schedule exceptional ERV services.

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