Design Comfort Blog

Make Sure Your AC Installation is Successful

July 25th, 2016

Do you know how to ensure a successful air conditioner installation? That’s okay if not, that’s what we are here for. When you live where we do, summers may be short but they still pack quite the punch, and therefore you want an air conditioning system that you can rely on.

The last thing you want to happen is that you reach the hottest day of the year only to discover that your air conditioner is not capable of providing you with the sort of cooling performance that you need. While maintenance and keeping up on repairs are essential, so is making sure you have a great installation to begin with. So how can you ensure that this is the case?

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Is It Time to Replace Your Air Conditioner?

July 18th, 2016

Is your air conditioner showing troubling symptoms? If so, you may be wondering if you need to repair it, or if it’s time to consider an AC replacement. There are a variety of reasons to upgrade to a new air conditioner, however if there’s some life left in your current air conditioner, this choice may not make the most sense.

On the other hand, you don’t want to keep paying for repair after repair if your AC isn’t working as efficiently as it should. If you are unsure of whether or not you should replace your current air condition, then call our professional HVAC technicians to come take a look and give you our educated opinion.

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3 Methods to Save Money on Air Conditioning Costs

July 11th, 2016

We understand just as much as any homeowner how important it is to save money, particularly when it comes to energy use. No matter what your financial goals are, chances are you have no desire to spend all your hard earned money on cooling costs. Every little bit helps, and over the course of several years, even that little big can really help. We’ve listed 3 methods below to reduce the cost of running your air conditioner without sacrificing comfort.

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5 Steps to Improving Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency

July 4th, 2016

Summer is officially here, and with it comes unforgiving heat. As a result, your air conditioner is going to be doing more strenuous work and you’ll be relying on it to do its job well. Naturally, you’ll see a rise in your energy costs during this type of the year. However, your bills don’t have to be astronomical.

If you pay attention to the steps below, you can learn how to improve your air conditioner’s efficiency, and thus save money too. Not only that, but by improving your cooling system’s efficiency, you’ll be helping it to achieve a longer lifespan as well.

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Signs That Your Air Conditioning System is in Need of Repairs

June 27th, 2016

Summer is officially here, although that’s not something we need to tell you, as recent weeks have already had temperatures creeping up to the 90s. If you live through even one summer in the area, then you know you can’t get through the season with a malfunctioning air conditioning system. If your air conditioner begins to fail or even breaks down completely, then you and your family will be extremely uncomfortable and may even experience ill-health effects.

Regular preventive maintenance from our professionals is essential to guarding your air conditioner from such problems. However, even with the best maintenance plan for an expertly installed system, no air conditioner is immune to problems. Watch for the signs we listed below to understand when it’s time to call for repairs.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Making One of These Sounds?

June 20th, 2016

As summer very quickly approaches, your air conditioner is about to enter its most stressful time of year. As it prepares to work hard to keep your home cool on a daily basis, it’s up to you to be watchful about possible AC issues that can crop up due to the added stress.

One of the key indicators that something is likely amiss with your air conditioner is a strange noise coming from the system. Below, we’ve covered a couple sounds that should alert you that something is very wrong with your system, and you should call for repairs.


You might hear the sound of hissing along with a bubbling noise. This is typically indicative of air bubbles which have formed in the refrigerant line. This is typically the result of a leak. Refrigerant leaks are nothing to take lightly, as they can cause the health of your entire air conditioner to start failing.

Your air conditioner is supplied with enough refrigerant upon installation to last its entire life cycle, ideally. This refrigerant recycles throughout the system to move heat from one place to the other, and a leak will slowly drain your AC system of the fluid it needs to function correctly. Eventually this can cause your entire system to break down.

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Common Problems That Plague Air Conditioners

June 13th, 2016

As the summer heat quickly approaches, you will soon be relying on your air conditioning system to effectively and efficiently cool down your home. This means that the strain on your AC system is going to increase, creating more of a likelihood that problems might occur.

In order to keep you air conditioner in the best shape possible, you’ll want to not only invest in regular maintenance but also keep an eye out for symptoms of a system in disrepair. Keep reading to learn about a couple common air conditioning problems you might run into this summer.

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Why Is Water Leaking from My AC?

June 6th, 2016

Nobody wants to face a leaking air conditioner. Not only is this typically indicative of a huge problem with your cooling system, but you could experience water damage on your property. Naturally, if this occurs it’s safe to assume it’s an emergency situation and you should call a professional right away.

However, understanding why there is water leaking from your air conditioner may help you prevent it from occurring in the first place. Why does water leak from air conditioners? How can you prevent it from happening again? We’ve tackled these questions below.

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How Zone Control Cooling Can Improve Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency

May 30th, 2016

Summer is well on its way, and if you are well prepared, you’ve likely already scheduled or had maintenance done to ensure that your air conditioner is in the best shape possible to take on the hotter temperatures.

However, there is one more way that you can make sure your home is more comfortable and your air conditioner works more efficiently. The solution to this is a zone control system. We’ve gone into details about what this system does and what the benefits are below.

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Is Your Sewer Line Backed Up?

May 25th, 2016

Sewer lines are not pleasant to think about, nor are they pleasant to deal with when you have a problem. However, they play a vital role in your home’s intricate plumbing system. When you do have a problem with your sewer line, you are not only inconvenienced but you could have a very messy and costly problem on your hands.

If your sewer line is clogged, then your home’s wastewater has nowhere to go. Therefore it will come back up your pipes, bringing at least the odor of raw sewage back up with it. If you suspect you might have a sewer line clog, then it’s best to get it taken care of right away. How do you know if this line is backed up though? Keep reading for some common signs.

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