As summer very quickly approaches, your air conditioner is about to enter its most stressful time of year. As it prepares to work hard to keep your home cool on a daily basis, it’s up to you to be watchful about possible AC issues that can crop up due to the added stress.
One of the key indicators that something is likely amiss with your air conditioner is a strange noise coming from the system. Below, we’ve covered a couple sounds that should alert you that something is very wrong with your system, and you should call for repairs.
You might hear the sound of hissing along with a bubbling noise. This is typically indicative of air bubbles which have formed in the refrigerant line. This is typically the result of a leak. Refrigerant leaks are nothing to take lightly, as they can cause the health of your entire air conditioner to start failing.
Your air conditioner is supplied with enough refrigerant upon installation to last its entire life cycle, ideally. This refrigerant recycles throughout the system to move heat from one place to the other, and a leak will slowly drain your AC system of the fluid it needs to function correctly. Eventually this can cause your entire system to break down.
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Tags: Air Conditioning Repairs, Taylorsville
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