Design Comfort Blog

How UV Rays Can Actually Be Good for You

March 20th, 2017

UV-rays-good-for-youIn 1903, Professor Niels Finsen won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his work on the treatment of diseases by means of concentrated UV light rays. But when we say UV rays can actually be good for you, that’s not exactly what we’re talking about.

You may be surprised to find that an excellent benefit of UV light rays is actually what it can do for your Cottonwood Heights, UT indoor air quality, and subsequently your health and the health of your family.

Mold and Bacteria Exposure

The ductwork connected to your HVAC system provides the perfect environment for the development of mold, mildew, and other harmful microorganisms. This is because they are dark, cool, and moist thanks to the use of your AC system.

When these contaminants enter your indoor air, they can create a number of health-related issues for you and your family. Infectious diseases are a threat, as is allergic rhinitis, asthma, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. If that sounds unpleasant to you—it’s because it is! Fortunately, however, professionally installed UV germicidal lights—also referred to simply as UV lights or UV air purifiers—help you fight against this.

UV Light and Your Indoor Air Quality

UV light has an anti-microbial effect on the biological contaminants that develop within your ductwork. When a UV air purifier is installed (typically within your ductwork/over the evaporator coil), it effectively stops the development of mold and mildew before it begins, therefore never giving it the chance to break off and make its way into your home.

Without the right type of air purifying products and services, your indoor air quality can be more polluted than you realize. It can even be worse than the quality of the air outdoors. For this reason, people with allergies, asthma, and any other respiratory issues can find themselves with aggravated symptoms if the problem is not remedied.

Is This Type of UV Radiation Safe?

It’s only natural that you would ask this—it’s understandable to be concerned about the UV radiation emitted from these devices. This type of UV lighting, however, is completely harmless. In fact, you’ve probably seen it utilized at concerts or theme parks as black lights to make your clothes glow! This type of UV radiation is completely harmless to people and to pets—but deadly to bacteria!

Additional UV Light Benefits

In addition to eliminating mold and mildew from your ductwork—and subsequently your indoor air—UV lights help eliminate the foul odor that typically comes along for the ride. Plus, UV lights are pretty versatile.

You do not have to make any room for them as they conveniently fit right into your HVAC system, positioned where they’re needed the most. If you have a central HVAC system, then this is definitely a highly recommended device for you and your home!

We offer a wide range of reliable indoor air quality products and services, including UV lights and other types of air cleaners. Contact us today to learn more, including why our customers keep saying, “I Love My Design Comfort!”

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Gas Leaks: Causes and What You Should Do If You Suspect One

March 6th, 2017

gas-leak-causesLast summer, a number of Millcreek, Utah residents were evacuated from their homes due to a gas leak that occurred in their neighborhood. While these types of events are rare, they are scary and stress the fact that all homeowners should be aware of what causes gas leaks, how to prevent them, and what to do if you suspect a gas leak in your home.

While the aforementioned gas leak was from the main line, a very common cause of gas leaks is a Millcreek, UT heating system in disrepair. Today’s heating systems are built with your safety in mind, however if you do not keep up on maintenance, you run the risk of wear and tear breaking down the system until it does become a safety hazard.

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Does Cold, Rainy Weather Impact Your Indoor Air Quality?

February 20th, 2017

Does Cold Rainy Weather Impact Your Indoor Air QualityThere are quite a few Utah residents and homeowners who don’t even realize just how bad the air quality can get in our area. We experience a weather phenomenon pretty often during this time of year called an inversion—which happens when normal atmospheric conditions literally become inverted. This traps a dense layer of cold air under a layer of warm air, and along with it, traps pollutants.

This problem is bad enough if you spend a lot of time outdoors, but it can be even worse when you’re indoors. In fact according to WebMD, your home’s indoor air quality can actually be worse than that outdoors. This is true of any state, but is especially pertinent in Utah. Fortunately, we have a wide range of West Jordan, UT indoor air quality products to help keep you healthy and comfortable indoors. But it’s worth learning why these efforts are so important.

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Signs Your Furnace is Failing

February 6th, 2017

signs-your-furnace-is-failingIf you want a truly efficient furnace, it’s important that you take good care of the heating system. This means scheduling routine maintenance at least once a year, which gives our technicians the opportunity to fully inspect and clean the heating system, and make any necessary adjustments and/or suggestions for repairs. Of course, even with the most diligent care, your furnace can begin to fail.

This is especially true of older heating systems. The good news is that your furnace breakdown doesn’t have to come as a surprise—you can be prepared for necessary Holladay, UT furnace repairs or potentially even a full furnace replacement. Keep reading for a few warning signs that your furnace may be failing.

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Discover the Power of a Whole-Home Humidifier

January 23rd, 2017

whole-home-humidifierIn a Daily Herald article written almost exactly 2 years ago, the writer described Utah as “drier than the Sahara” during the winter, and appropriately so. He noted how this intense decrease in humidity caused many illnesses that season, and the flu ran rampant. This is not a problem that’s unique to 2014, though. Utah has had this problem for many years, and will continue to have it for years to come.

So should we all sit back and just accept that we live in an extremely dry community that’s going to lower our immunities and make us sick? Oh, not to mention, low moisture levels can damage your home. No! You should not accept that. Instead, you should invest in a Taylorsville, UT whole-house humidifier.

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Is Winter Too Late for a Heater Tune-Up?

January 16th, 2017

Winter is certainly here, and with it are the chilly temperatures. You may think that this means it is too late to invest in maintenance for your heating system. But it’s not! Even though we’re officially in the winter season, there is still plenty of cold weather to last us, and there’s no reason to risk getting through next few months without a completely reliable heater. If you haven’t had your heater checked in the last year, there’s no better time than now to schedule it.

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Tips for Buying a New Heater

January 9th, 2017

This is definitely not the time of year you want to need a new heating system, but nevertheless it may be the case that yours is on the fritz and it’s time to shop for a new one. Many homeowners just look at the sticker price of the heater they’re considering and base their purchase off of that single factor. However, the initial cost of a new furnace or heat pump is just the beginning.

You’ll need to pay monthly to keep your heating system running, schedule routine maintenance, pay for repair services, and replace it once it breaks down. Finding the right heater to match both your needs and your budget can be a complicated process, but it doesn’t have to be. Our professionals are on your side to help you make an educated decision.

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Can Regular Heating Maintenance Really Save You Money?

January 2nd, 2017

It’s no secret that one of the services we push is that of HVAC maintenance. Heating maintenance, in particular, is one of those services that is as necessary as locking the door to your home each night—it protects your property and your family. If you have a gas-powered heating system, then maintenance gives our professionals to check that everything is in good shape, and that nothing is in need of repair that could cause a fire or some other emergency.

Still though, customers are often still hesitant to invest in heater maintenance, because they simply don’t see the cost benefits. Why pay for a service for your heating system when energy costs are already so high these days? Well, there are a number of reasons to do so. Keep reading to learn more.

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Why a Water Softener Should Be Your Next Home Purchase

December 26th, 2016

Hard water is not a problem that is unique to any one part of the country. It affects just as many homeowners here in Utah as it does anywhere else. The good news is that hard water isn’t particularly unhealthy. It’s water that consists of high amounts of mineral contents—typically calcium and magnesium—that your body can safely absorb.

However, just because hard water won’t make you ill doesn’t mean it’s good for your quality of life. In fact, in addition to impacting how you cook and clean, after time hard water can actually damage your plumbing system to the point that you need repiping or leak repair.

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How Does Your Thermostat Impact Your Heater?

December 19th, 2016

Your heating system’s thermostat, which serves at the “brain” of the unit, controls when you heater cycles on and off, enabling you to precisely control the temperature in your home and raise or lower it as needed. Though this all probably goes without saying, most homeowners take the functionality of their thermostats for granted. A faulty or broken thermostat could actually have a pretty big impact on how your heater works.

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