Design Comfort Blog

Get Through the Rest of Summer Comfortably with These Tips

August 7th, 2017

family of 3 sitting in living room in front of fans to cool offAs the official end of summer draws near, we begin to look forward to cooler weather. However, there is still a ways to go. With temperatures still hovering in the high 80’s to low 90’s, we understand that you want to do everything in your power to keep cool. Here are some tips on how to do so!

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What You Should Know About Sump Pumps

July 24th, 2017

sump-pumps-what-knowIf you’re one of the many Utah homeowners with a sump pump in your basement, the reason it’s there is so that you aren’t risking hundreds or thousands of dollars in flood damages. Your home can certainly be prone to heaving flooding, or you might live in an area with a high water table. Either way, there’s never a bad time to think about installing a sump pump in your basement if you don’t already have one, or servicing your existing device. Keep reading to learn a few things you should know about sump pumps and the importance of Millcreek, UT sump pump services.

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How to Save on Cooling Costs

July 10th, 2017

cooling-costs-saveThere a number of problems that can impact your air conditioner, sometimes caused by neglect, but could even be from just standard wear and tear—particularly during the summer when your air conditioner is under increased stress. Unfortunately, over time these problems reduce your system’s energy efficiency, and as a result hike up your bills.

So, it’s only natural that you’d want to find ways to improve your air conditioner’s performance and efficiency throughout this summer. When you find yourself in need of air conditioning services in West Jordan, UT, we’re the team to turn to. In the meantime though, we’ve shared some tips below on how to save on cooling costs.

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Are You Looking to Improve Your Air Conditioner Efficiency?

June 26th, 2017

improve-air-conditioner-efficiencyOur winters may be long and cold, but there’s no denying that is behind us for the year, and air conditioning season is here! Soon enough, you’ll find yourself paying more in monthly cooling bills since you’ll be running your air conditioning system a lot more often than you did during the spring.

But, just because you’re paying more for cooling costs doesn’t mean you should be paying more than necessary. There are steps you can take to improve your air conditioning efficiency and help you cut down on your monthly cooling bills. We’ve provided a brief guide below on how you can do so—some of it involves investing in professional air conditioning services in Holladay, UT, while others are steps you can take yourself.

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Watch Out for Common Summer AC Problems

June 12th, 2017

common-summer-ac-problemsAir conditioner problems are a lot more likely to happen during the summer than any other year—that is, when you are placing the highest demand on your cooling system. In order to keep this system in the best possible condition as the weather warms, it’s a good idea to watch for signs that some of these problems are cropping up.

Early detection means that you can call for Taylorsville, UT air conditioning services right away, rather than waiting it out and increasing the risk that you’ll be stuck in the middle of summer without a functioning AC system. To save money and extend your system’s lifespan, we recommend keeping an eye out for the following common summer AC problems.

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Watch for These Signs You Need a Water Softener

May 29th, 2017

signs-need-water-softenerMost municipal water supplies today, including ours, have a hefty level of filtration and conditioning before the water reaches your faucets. And if you’re using a private well to access ground water, you very likely have your own water treatment system on site. But something that can be missing in either of these scenarios is anything to protect against hard water.

Hard water is the name given to water with a high concentration of minerals in it—namely calcium and magnesium. These minerals are harmless for humans and pets to ingest, however they could be having a negative impact on your quality of life, plus hard water can damage your plumbing system.

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Should I Be Concerned with Heater Repair Needs Now?

May 15th, 2017

heater-repair-needsWinter temperatures have started fading out, and in fact we’ve had a couple days in recent weeks where you may have already used your air conditioner. That doesn’t mean our heating systems are quite done doing their jobs yet, though. With our nights still in the 40’s, it’s important that your heater functions as well as it should.

You may be wondering, “but with warmer weather right around the corner, should I really be concerned about my heater?” If it’s exhibiting any operational problems, then yes—you should. Unfortunately, neglecting any Millcreek, UT heating repair service needs you may have can be detrimental to your heater, no matter how far into spring we may be. Just because you aren’t using your heater daily anymore doesn’t mean you should let the issue go, no matter how seemingly minor it may be.

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Is It Time to Replace Your Tank Water Heater?

May 1st, 2017

time-to-replace-tank-water-heaterThere are a number of options today when it comes to selecting appliances for your home, including the tankless water heater. Many homeowners, however, still utilize the very reliable tank water heater to warm the water in their home. These systems do their jobs quietly, and are often tucked away in little-used parts of the home for space-saving benefits.

Unfortunately, though, being out of sight means that tank water heater problems can creep in relatively unnoticed. If your water heater is more than 10 to 15 years old, then these problems can quickly escalate to a full breakdown or emergency. When this happens, you’ll likely need a replacement, or at the very least prompt West Jordan, UT water heater services.

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AC Maintenance: It’s Time!

April 17th, 2017

ac-maintenance-timeTemperatures may still be on the cooler side for now, but soon enough summer will be here and you’ll want a fully functional and efficient cooling system on your side. Don’t let our cool spring weather trick you into thinking you can wait on important air conditioning services, such as your Holladay, UT air conditioning maintenance.

The heat of summer is a welcome change of pace for many homeowners after a cold and rather rainy winter! But you cannot enjoy summer to the full extent if you don’t adequately prepare your cooling system for the job ahead.

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Is a Reverse Osmosis System a Worthy Investment for Your Home?

April 3rd, 2017

reverse-osmosis-systemAre you looking for a quality water treatment system for your Taylorsville, UT home? Obviously, drinking water is a healthy alternative to soda or juice, but that water needs to be properly treated in order to give you the best in health benefits.

Reverse osmosis systems have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. A professionally installed and serviced reverse osmosis system will remove potentially harmful contaminants from your drinking water, such as arsenic, nitrates, sodium, copper, lead, some organic chemicals, and the municipal additive fluoride.

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