Design Comfort Blog

Your Heater Deserves a Tune-Up, Today!

October 1st, 2018

technician-inspecting-furnaceOctober is here! We’ve been enjoying the cooler temps, and being able to be outside during the day without feeling like we’re melting. Soon enough, though, those temperatures will drop even lower, and when they do you want to make sure you have a safe and effective heating system in place to keep you warm this fall and winter.

The “safety” part of the equation is even more important if you have a gas-powered furnace in place. Be sure to contact a professional HVAC contractor in Salt Lake City to ensure that your furnace is in good, stable condition and is prepared to provide you with not only optimal comfort this coming winter, but also optimal safety.

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“What AC Repair Needs Can I Expect End-of-Season?”

September 17th, 2018

technician-working-on-air-conditioning-unitHopefully, the answer to this can be “none,” if you had professional maintenance done before summer began, and took care of any repair needs you had at that time. But even with a tune-up (and especially without), there are some Salt Lake City HVAC repair needs you should watch out for as we inch closer to fall and prepare to turn off our cooling systems until next year.

There are a few repair needs in particular that HVAC technicians see more than others. This is especially true near the end of summer, when your cooling system has been putting in work day in and day out.

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Why Do Tankless Water Heaters Need Maintenance?

September 3rd, 2018

tankless-water-heaterTank Water Heaters: They’re big, noticeable, often noisy, and seen in the majority of homes throughout the country.

With such a large presence, most people understand that these Salt Lake City water heaters need maintenance from time to time, particularly because these are often subject to scaling, which is the mineral buildup that you may hear evidence of (you’ll hear a clanging noise). Scaling causes issues with pressure, temperature, and even corrosion, leading tank water heaters to often need flushing to offset the problem.

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When Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

August 20th, 2018

When-Is-It-Too-Late-for-AC-MaintenanceIf you’ve never had maintenance done for your air conditioner, and/or it’s broken down to the point that no repair will get it back up in running, then it is too late for AC maintenance. This is literally the only case in which it would be “too late” for a Salt Lake City air conditioning tune-up. Otherwise, while we do recommend getting that tune-up done before the heating season begins, there really is no wrong time of the year to have it done—so long as it’s scheduled once a year (twice a year for heat pumps).

“Okay, but I can skip it this year, right? My AC is working fine after all.”

The fact of the matter is, AC maintenance is one of the most important, if not the most important, services you can have done for your cooling system. It keeps your air conditioner clean, adjusted, and it grants you the peace of mind that it has been thoroughly checked over by a pro. Maintenance tune-ups are not a luxury service—they should be done on a regular basis.

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Shake, Rattle, and Roll: Getting to the Bottom of Your AC Noises

August 6th, 2018

woman-covering-her-earsIf your air conditioner is playing a 1950’s rock song, well… we probably can’t help you. But what we can help you with is literal shaking, rattling, clanging, hissing, and the like. These are all sounds that you never want to hear coming from your air conditioner.

It probably goes without saying that you will know better than anyone the various noises your air conditioner makes on a daily basis. When something sounds “off,” it’s best not to ignore it. Chances are that even if it’s minor, a strange noise indicates the need for AC repair in Salt Lake City. What exactly should you be listening for, though?

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Can Store Bought Drain Cleaners Hurt Your Pipes?

July 23rd, 2018

water-drain-in-stainless-sinkThe short answer to this is “yes,” but we’re sure you’d like to understand why.

After all, when you find that one of your drains in your home has clogged up, it’s only natural that you reach for the chemical drain cleaner beneath your sink. But we really have to discourage this—it’s actually the worst thing you can do when it comes to thlong-termrm health of your drains and pipes. Sure, it will solve the issue in the short term, but it only magnifies the problem.

Keep reading to learn why chemical store bought drain clears are not your solution, and why you should call for professional Salt Lake City drain cleaning instead.

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These Three Things are Threatening Your Plumbing System

July 9th, 2018

surprised-woman-in-glassesWhat system or function do you take most for granted in your home?

Chances are, your plumbing system did not come to mind, and yet, many homeowners expect their plumbing systems to function with full efficiency and effectiveness year-after-year without worrying about how to care for that said plumbing system. In fact, we’d wager that most people don’t think about their plumbing systems at all, until something goes wrong.

The thing is, even if you have your plumbing system routinely maintained by a professional plumber in Salt Lake City and you keep an eye on your water usage, your plumbing system won’t last forever—eventually you’ll need pipe repairs which can turn into pipe replacement. There are things that you can do now, however, to help protect your plumbing system and potentially even help it last longer as a result (ultimately saving you money). It starts by knowing what threats your pipes face.

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Tips to Improve AC Efficiency in Your Home

June 25th, 2018

outside-unit-of-an-air-conditioning-systemAs chilly and long as our winters are, there’s no denying the fact that our summers pack quite the punch. You’ll want to approach this summer with a fully effective air conditioner, which has been properly maintained and cared for, and is as efficient as possible.

There are a number of professional AC services in SLC that help with air conditioning efficiency, in addition to indoor air quality products that can help too. But there are other things you can do, simple tasks, that don’t cost you anything and help improve the efficiency of your system even more so that you don’t have to worry as much about costly energy bills.

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Consider a Water Heater Upgrade This Year

June 11th, 2018

repair-of-gas-water-heaterWater heaters are designed to last a very long time, particularly if you give them the right level of care and maintenance. However, no matter how well you take care of your water heater, eventually it will need to be replaced. The trick is being able to identify when that time has come, so you can invest in an upgrade before it breaks down on you altogether.

The last thing you want is to find out your water heater has failed after jumping into what you think is going to be a hot shower. But how do you know if it’s almost time for replacement, or you just need another water heater repair in Salt Lake City? Keep reading and we’ll help you determine just that.

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Are You in Need of Air Conditioning Repairs?

May 28th, 2018

An air conditioning technician welds a connection prior to installing AC unit.As the weather warms and we start to use our air conditioners, the time to schedule maintenance (if you haven’t already done so) is now. This is the only way to ensure that you’ll be going into summer with a fully functional and efficiently operating air conditioner. Additionally, it will give you the chance to take care of any need for AC repair in Salt Lake City that might come up during your tune-up. Regardless of whether you’ve had maintenance done or not, though, it’s a good idea to be aware of any signs of trouble.

But how do you know what to look for? Well, we’ve put together a brief description below of some common warning signs that can indicate something is amiss with your air conditioner. If you notice any of these signs, be sure to call our team right away. After all, the sooner you tackle problems, the better!

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