Design Comfort Blog

Schedule This Service Today, Prevent Heating Repairs Tomorrow!

November 25th, 2019

jets-of-a-furnace-firingWe’re talking about heating maintenance! This service is one of the most important that you can schedule in your home this time of the year. We typically recommend that maintenance tune-ups for heating systems be done in the early fall, before you need your system the most. But it’s more important that you be consistent with these appointments, no matter the time of year.

And no, before you ask, heating maintenance isn’t something you can do on your own. It’s a job that requires experienced and highly trained HVAC professionals. Aside from changing out your air filter if you have a forced-air heater or making sure the area around your system is clean and free of obstructions, maintenance should be left to the pros.

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How Healthy Is the Water You Drink?

November 11th, 2019

woman-smiling-with-glass-of-water-in-her-hand“My water is coming from a city water main, not a well, so the water quality is fine, right? My water is going through a treatment process already.”

You are correct. However, something to keep in mind is that this water has miles and miles to travel before it enters your home. Along the way, it can pick up contaminants. No water treatment plan can be 100% effective at removing all the impurities from your water.

There’s always a chance that some trace elements such as lead or cyanide can make their way into your home’s water supply. There is no “safe” level of exposure to these materials, either. If you want to add a layer of protection to your home’s water supply, then you should consider the installation of a whole-house water treatment system. This is particularly true if you notice the following symptoms.

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What You Can Do to Prevent Frozen Pipes

October 28th, 2019

icicles-hanging-from-pipeIf you’ve lived in the Holladay area through even just one winter, then you know we’re notorious for our cool and dry temperatures during the winter. You also, of course, know that colder weather comes with snow, and ice!

The development of ice means you need to move fast to protect and prepare your home before winter arrives in earnest. Do you have drafty doors allowing warm air to escape from your living space? Is your indoor air quality in good shape, or could you use a whole-house humidifier this season? Last but certainly not least, is your plumbing system prepared for the season? Just a couple of consecutive days of below 30°F temperatures can result in frozen pipes, which create a huge problem. We’re going to discuss below how you can prevent this, but first, why is it such an issue?

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How to Determine If You Need a Water Softener

October 14th, 2019

tapwater-flowing-into-sinkToday, most municipal water supplies have a heavy level of filtration and conditioning before they get to your home plumbing. And if you’re using ground water through a private well, then you may have your own water treatment system on-site to filter out contaminants. Something most homeowners don’t realize, however, is they may be missing protection from hard water.

What’s hard water, you ask? It’s water with a high level of minerals in it—namely, calcium, magnesium, and iron. They’re all harmless to ingest, but can do a whole lot of damage to your plumbing system over time. Hard water should be taken care of with a whole-house water softener right when the water enters the home, before it has a chance to put your pipes out of commission. Keep reading to learn some signs that you may be suffering from hard water, and therefore would benefit from a water softener!

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End-of-Season AC Care Tips

September 30th, 2019

top-view-of-an-outdoor-ac-uitCan you tell when you’re in need of air conditioning repairs? The symptoms aren’t always clear, so we don’t blame you if you can’t.

Air conditioning repair is one of those services that you don’t want to wait on—delaying repairs can leave you without a functioning cooling system when you need it the most. That said, we understand if you don’t want to call in a professional unless you know your air conditioner is malfunctioning. So, we’ve provided some insight below on how to look for suspicious AC scenarios.

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Can Improving AC Efficiency Prevent Repair Needs?

September 16th, 2019

white-question-mark-on-blue-circlePerhaps not directly, but by helping your air conditioner work more efficiently, you definitely lower the risks of needing emergency repairs. Bear with us and we’ll elaborate.

Let’s face it, if you’ve lived in the Salt Lake City area for even just one summer, you know how much of a workout air conditioners get. Fortunately, today’s air conditioners are very durable and designed to handle that heat—so long as they are cared for properly.

Caring for your air conditioner includes doing all that you can to make sure it’s able to perform as efficiently as possible. And lucky for you, there are a number of methods out there to not only boost system efficiency and lower your cooling costs, but also prevent repair needs, as well. Read on to learn more!

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“What’s That Funny Noise My AC Is Making?”

September 2nd, 2019

outdoor-ac-unitWhile it may seem like summer only just began, soon enough the official start of fall will be here and we’ll stop using our air conditioners on a daily basis as we have been. With how much work your air conditioner went through this summer we hope you scheduled Salt Lake City HVAC maintenance before the season began. After all, our air conditioners go through a lot, accumulating wear and tear faster than AC systems in cooler regions.

During your air conditioner maintenance appointment, our pros will fully inspect, clean, and adjust your cooling system to make sure it’s performing as efficiently as possible. However, regardless of whether a system has received this service or not, if it’s making a sound you don’t recognize, it’s probably time to call in a pro. What noises, exactly, should you be aware of? Read on!

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“How Do I Choose the Right AC Repair Technician?”

August 19th, 2019

ac-technician-with-tools-in-pocketsIf you’re like most homeowners, you aren’t just going to let anyone into your home. You don’t know the background of a stranger, nor even what their intentions are. So, why would you hire an AC repair technician without looking into their company, their credentials, and their credibility?

Read on to learn what kind of qualities you should look for when choosing an AC repair technician. Whether it’s a small repair need or your system has completely broken down, you want a contractor you can trust to give you the information you need to make an educated decision about what to do next.

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Prevent a Midsummer AC Breakdown with This One Tip

August 5th, 2019

gauge-with-too-cold-just-right-too-hot-ratingsDon’t turn your thermostat down!

Yes, that’s right—our one tip to prevent a midsummer AC breakdown is to not turn your thermostat down.

“But wait,” you might be wondering, “what do you mean? Isn’t that the whole point of a cooling system, to cool my home?”

Please bear with us and allow us to explain, below…

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Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

July 22nd, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditionerTemperatures are steadily increasing as summer progresses, and you just realized that you forgot to schedule your preventive AC maintenance in Salt Lake City, UT. Maybe you can skip it though, just this once? It’s probably too late to have it done now anyway, right?

Well, no.

Unless your system totally broke down and you need to replace it altogether, it’s actually never too late to have your air conditioner tuned-up. This is truly a scenario of “it’s better late than never.” Besides, there are a number of benefits to joining our maintenance plan, which we’ll get to below.

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