Design Comfort Blog

AC Service: Time for a Tune-Up!

April 13th, 2020

two-techs-in-front-of-ac-outdoor-unit-looking-at-tabletSpring is officially here. Sure, we may still have a couple of bouts of snow flurries here and there in the coming weeks, but you know as well as we do that soon enough, you’ll need your air conditioner on a daily basis.

Is your cooling system ready for the task? If you haven’t scheduled your spring maintenance appointment yet, there’s a very good chance your air conditioner is not ready for what summer is about to bring.

We don’t say that to sound dramatic, but we have many customers who don’t necessarily see the benefits of maintenance, and feel like it’s okay to skip it. This is an annual service (biannual if you have a heat pump) and we really want to shift your perspective on its necessity if you’re considering forgoing it this year. What do you get with routine maintenance? Read on to find out!

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What Kind of Air Purifier Is Best?

March 30th, 2020

woman-with-dog-enjoying-being-indoorsWe might cause some head-scratching with this answer, but when it comes to which air purifier is best, the real answer is, “it depends.” The thing is, different homes have different air quality needs. There are a wide number of things to consider. Overall, indoor air quality in Salt Lake City homes is often worse than that of outdoors, because contaminants, allergens, and even dry air get trapped inside due to tight home construction.

We can’t say what’s best for your specific home until we do a thorough assessment, but what we can tell you is that it’s best to get a whole-house system professionally installed, versus purchasing a small, portable system that can really only help a room or two.

But how do you even know you need a whole-house indoor air quality product of any kind?

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Late Season Furnace Needs to Be Aware Of

March 16th, 2020

technician-inspecting-and-maintaining-gas-furnaceWhile there are certainly exceptions to the rule, it’s safe to say that our weather is fairly predictable in our area. We would never expect to see snow in July nor would we expect to be able to use our swimming pools in January. That said, given that it’s just about springtime, most homeowners in our area are getting ready to shut off their furnaces for the winter and turn their attention to air conditioning maintenance.

We definitely encourage this! Air conditioning maintenance will help ensure that your cooling system is clean, adjusted, and that any repair needs are taken care of.

But, speaking of repair needs, if your furnace needs any you’ll want to manage them before you stop using your heater for the season. A suffering furnace sitting in wait all spring and summer means a potentially broken down furnace next fall.

So, how do you know if you have any furnace repair needs? Read on as we uncover some of the most common signs that you may be in need of heating service.

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Could a Dirty Air Filter Hurt Your Furnace?

March 2nd, 2020

hand-changing-air-filterYou invested in a high-efficiency furnace. You had it professionally installed. You stay on top of your annual maintenance appointments. That’s enough, right?

Well, no.

You’ve definitely done everything right so far if you followed the above steps. However, there is one more step that is too commonly overlooked by homeowners, and that’s changing out the air filter. But why?

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Is it Too Late for Furnace Maintenance?

February 17th, 2020

technician-working-on-furnaceIn the absence of a complete furnace breakdown, which may require replacement of the system altogether, no it is never too late for furnace maintenance.

“But I always hear that I need to schedule it in the fall…”

Yes, that’s true, this is our recommendation for your heating maintenance. The reason we suggest this is because it gives our techs a chance to thoroughly inspect, adjust, and clean your system before you need it the most. We also recommend that you have air conditioning maintenance done in the spring for the same reason.

Is maintenance really a big deal though? Read on as we answer that question, in detail.

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Choosing the Right HVAC Contractor for the Job

February 3rd, 2020

HVAC-technicians-working-on-systemWhen you live in a climate like ours, you need quality HVAC systems year-round—an efficient and effective air conditioner in the summer, and a powerful heater in the winter. You need each of these systems to work flawlessly, to boot.

This isn’t possible, though, without professional installation and services. For this, you’ll want to work with an HVAC contractor you can trust. This is one of those partnerships you shouldn’t ever rush into, since doing so can leave you with HVAC equipment that’s improperly sized for your living space, or installed incorrectly so it won’t work as efficiently as its meant to.

So, whether we’re talking about installation, maintenance, or repairs, you can trust our team, but how do you know that for sure? What sort of qualifications should you look for in an HVAC contractor?

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What Does It Mean if My Furnace Booms?

January 20th, 2020

woman-covering-her-earsWhen you’ve been using your gas-powered furnace flawlessly all winter long, and then suddenly you start hearing unusual noises coming from it, you may be alarmed. Sure, you expect to hear some noise when your furnace starts running—you’ll hear it cycle on and of course you’ll hear the whoosh of warm air coming through your vents.

What you shouldn’t be hearing though, is a boom shortly after the furnace turns on. What does this mean? More on that below.

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How to Use Your Furnace Most Efficiently

January 6th, 2020

animation-house-and-money-symbol-on-seesawWinter is officially here, which means if you don’t already have a fully functioning and efficiently operating furnace system, you’re going to want one real soon! If you haven’t scheduled heating maintenance yet, not to worry. In the absence of a complete system breakdown, it’s never too late.

Sure, we recommend having maintenance done in the fall before you need your heating system the most, but it’s more important that you have it done consistently—once a year—for optimal furnace effectiveness. But more on that below!

We will touch back on maintenance, but there are a few other things you can do to make sure you’re using your furnace as efficiently as possible. Curious? Read on!

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Signs Your Water Heater Is in Disrepair

December 23rd, 2019

tank-water-heaterNo matter the season, no matter where you live, no matter who you are… there is one system in your home you’ll always need and probably take for granted. That’s your water heater! It’s easy to just accept that your taps will always provide hot water when it’s needed—but the truth is this is only possible if your water heater is properly cared for.

Think about it—your water heater goes through a lot of stress to make cleaning, bathing, and cooking possible. At some point, you’ll need to have your water heater professionally maintained—we recommend this once a year—and at some point still you may need water heater repairs. But how will you know this is the case?

Read on to discover some of the signs of a water heater in disrepair, and should you suspect something is amiss with your water heater, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team!

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A Booming Furnace: What Does It Mean?

December 9th, 2019

gas-jets-of-a-furnaceWhen the weather finally gets cool and you go to turn on your furnace to warm up, the last thing you’re probably expecting is a “booming” noise coming from it. If anything, you’d hear the burners ignite and then air whooshing through your vents—not much else, right?

This is an alarming sound to hear. Unfortunately, when it happens, it means your furnace needs professional attention. The good news is, we’re here for the job! Read on to learn more about what a booming furnace means.

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