Design Comfort Blog

AC Problems: 3 Causes of Short Cycling

August 31st, 2020

woman-with-fanWould we love you to install an AC in your home that would never give you trouble of any kind? Of course. Are we able to do so? No. And that’s why we won’t promise you that. We’re just too honest to make such claims. A bit of advice? If you find another contractor that will make such claims—find yourself another contractor! AC repairs in Salt Lake City, UT, are par for the course.

While routine maintenance will keep the majority of repairs at bay, you still need to act fast if you notice any problems with your AC. Don’t wait for a total breakdown before scheduling service. Short cycling, for instance, won’t render your system inoperable. It may not even be a sign of serious issues. It could be, though, and with summers as hot as ours, safe is always better than sorry.

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Heed These Late Season AC Tips!

August 17th, 2020

animated-gif-checklistSummer is nearing its final weeks. This means that soon enough we’ll be able to turn off our air conditioners and start enjoying cooler weather again! Except, maybe you shouldn’t rush to just shut off that AC system without giving it a second thought.

The thing is, this is the time of year that air conditioners are most likely to break down, especially if they’re older cooling systems or they had repair needs that weren’t taken care of. Your system can also breakdown if you skipped maintenance this year. The reason for this is because they’ve been through so much work over the last several months. Heed the tips below to ensure that next spring, you’ll have an air conditioner ready to work through another summer!

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AC Sounds You Shouldn’t Neglect

August 3rd, 2020

woman-covering-her-earsWe may not have as sweltering summers as they do in other parts of the country, but that doesn’t mean our air conditioning systems don’t get quite the workout! In fact, they go through a lot of strain throughout the years, accumulating natural wear and tear that can shorten their lifespan and lead to efficiency problems.

Of course, you can prevent most of these problems by staying on top of your maintenance needs. If you have a standard air conditioner, this means scheduling routine tune-ups once a year. If you have a 2-in-1 heat pump system, it means scheduling a tune-up every 6 months.

Regardless of how good you are at staying on top of maintenance, however, it’s also important that you be aware of the signs that something is wrong with your cooling system. One of these signs is strange and unfamiliar noises. But what noises are we talking about, exactly? Read on!

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It’s Never Too Late! Why You Should Schedule AC Maintenance

July 20th, 2020

two-technicians-looking-over-checklist-as-they-service-air-conditionerHomeowners may often hear us say, or even read on our blog, that it’s best to schedule air conditioning maintenance in the spring, before you need the system the most. This is true! The reason we say it is because it’s the most convenient time for you to have it done. This is the time where HVAC professionals are less busy, and it’s easier for you to get a professional out on your schedule to get a tune-up done.

During the summer, HVAC pros such as ourselves are often out on emergency calls, and it may be a little harder to pin us down as soon as you would like. Plus, if you have an emergency yourself due to skipping maintenance, that puts a strain on your household and quality of life.

All that said, the only time it’s ever “too late” for AC maintenance, is if your system completely broke down and there is no chance for repair. We would much rather see you schedule AC maintenance on a consistent basis (once a year) than skip it altogether because you “didn’t get to it in time.” But why does this matter so much? Read on as we explain! 

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Tips for Choosing the Best AC Installer

July 6th, 2020

hvac-technician-going-over-paperwork-with-homeownersWith summer officially here, it’s just about time to turn on our AC’s and run them pretty much non-stop during the day. But wait—what if your AC is aging and falling apart, or what if you’ve finally realized that the window AC units you’ve been using just aren’t going to cut it one more summer?

If it has come time for you to have a new AC installed, we want to discourage you from rushing into your purchase. There are a number of factors to consider, including the proper sizing of your air conditioner, the brand and type of AC that will best fit your needs, and of course, who installs it.

An amateur installer won’t have all the facts, skills, or experience necessary to install an air conditioner that will work as effectively and efficiently as it’s meant to for as long as it’s meant to. This is why you should hire a professional! But how do you know you’re choosing the right one? Read on!

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How to Avoid Drain Clogs

June 22nd, 2020

sink-faucet-with-water-going-into-drainWhat do you think about when you hear the phrase, “plumbing problems”? if you’re like many homeowners, you probably immediately think about drain clogs or slow drains. Almost every homeowner at some point has run into the problem of a clogged drain, and this is a problem that impacts homes a few times a year.

Often, the instinct here is to reach for store-bought, chemical drain cleaners. Unfortunately, these drain cleaning “solutions” are very caustic and can actually eat away at the inside of your pipes, leading to unexpected needs for pipe replacement. Professional drain cleaning is the answer here—our plumbers have the tools and methods to effectively remove clogs and prevent them from coming back.

But what if you could prevent drain clogs? The good news is, you can! Keep reading as we uncover a few of the most common drain clog types and how you can avoid them.

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What Are the Biggest Threats to Your Air Conditioner?

June 8th, 2020


There are some threats to your air conditioner you simply cannot avoid. Take age, for example. The average air conditioner lasts about 10-15 years. No matter the manufacturer or how well you cared for your cooling system, once it reaches this point it’s almost a guarantee that you should start considering replacement. But alas, old age is not the only threat to your air conditioner.

Curious about what these are? Keep reading to find out more, and remember to contact us when you encounter one of these problems.

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Does Your AC Sound like It’s Hissing or Bubbling?

May 25th, 2020


We’ve come to expect a standard level of comfort this day and age when inside our homes, thanks to the power of modern air conditioning. And as long as you have that comfort, who cares whether your air conditioner is making a strange noise as long as it’s still providing cooling right? Well, actually, you should care.

The thing is, unfamiliar noises are always a sign that something is amiss with your air conditioning system, and that something needs to be addressed before it grows into a much bigger and subsequently costlier problem. One particular sound that may seem subtle and easy to ignore is that of a refrigerant leak, often signaled by a hissing or bubbling sound.

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How to Use Your Air Conditioner More Efficiently This Summer

May 11th, 2020

top-view-of-ac-outdoor-unitWould you ever turn down an opportunity to save money? Particularly when we’re talking about your energy bills? In addition to your utility bills each month, you have to consider the cost of AC upkeep—maintenance, repairs, replacement costs if needed—it can be overwhelming.

But the thing is, there are pretty simple steps you can take to boost your air conditioning efficiency, and lower your monthly bills, even if you have an aging (10-15 years old) air conditioner. If your aging AC struggles to keep your home cool efficiently this summer, follow the tips we shared below! Some of them may seem like common sense, but honestly not a lot of people consider just how much these ideas help.

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Is Your Household in Need of a Water Heater Upgrade?

April 27th, 2020

smiling-technician-holding-clipboard-and-standing-in-front-of-water-heaterIf there’s any appliance that’s taken for granted in the average American home, we’re going to go ahead and say it’s the water heater. Without this system, you wouldn’t be able to begin your day with a hot shower, wash your clothing, or effectively clean and sanitize your dishes. A reliable source of hot water is essential to your modern quality of life!

Of course, no water heater lasts forever. When it comes time to replace or upgrade yours, we’ll help you find the best one for your specific needs. Homeowners often assume that if they have a tank water heater, their only option is to replace it with another tank water heater—but tankless is an option too! Regardless of which system you choose to upgrade to, it’s important to know the signs that you’re ready for a water heater upgrade—in other words, the signs that your current water heater is about to fail.

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