Design Comfort Blog

Is It Time to Say Goodbye to Your Old Boiler?

January 18th, 2021

man-huddled-on-couch-with-sweater-and-scarf-looking-coldBoiler systems are unique and powerful heat sources for the homes and businesses they reside in. Unlike forced-air heating systems like furnaces or heat pumps, boilers are radiant heating systems. Through the use of heated water that’s cycled through a series of pipes, and in some cases radiators, these systems keep households exceptionally comfortable and warm throughout the chilliest of winter days.

This all said, something that your boiler does have in common with all other HVAC systems is that eventually, it will break down to the point that you’ll need to replace it. Sure, boilers last longer in comparison to forced-air systems, but no heater can last forever.

Deciding to upgrade or replace your boiler is a big decision, and not always the cheapest decision. But ultimately, replacing your aging or degrading boiler for a newer one will save you money month-to-month on your heating needs, helping you pay back the installation cost fairly quickly. So, when do you know it’s time for a replacement? Read on!

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5 Signs You Need a Water Softener

January 4th, 2021

salt-being-poured-into-water-softenerIn our area, water supplies go through a large amount of filtration and conditioning before that water reaches your home’s faucets and plumbing appliances. Alternatively, if you use groundwater from a well, you probably have your own water treatment system on site. But what many homeowners in either case don’t realize is that they may be in need of a water softener to resolve hard water issues.

Hard water is the name given to water that has a high level of minerals in it—namely calcium, magnesium, and sometimes iron. If these minerals sound harmless, it’s because they are. At least, they’re harmless for you and I to ingest. However, they’re not so harmless when it comes to your plumbing system and your quality of life. In fact, hard water can lead to plumbing leaks, faded clothing from the washing machine, and more.

But this can all be prevented with the installation of a whole-house water softener. So how do you know if you need one? Read on as we uncover some signs that this is the case.

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What Happens During Heating Maintenance?

December 21st, 2020

checklistIf you’ve lived in Salt Lake City for even just a year, then it’s no secret to you that it’s vital to have an efficient and effective heater in place. After all, it does get very cold here!

But if you really want to rely on a heater to keep you and your household comfortable all fall and winter, then you need to schedule routine maintenance. Professional heater tune-ups are a lot more involved than many homeowners realize, and shouldn’t be left to a DIY project or to an amateur. Read on to learn why!

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Tips for Staying Warm While You Wait for Furnace Repairs

December 7th, 2020

woman-in-warm-clothes-hugging-pillowHere’s a scenario that not a single homeowner or their household ever wants to face: It’s a chilly evening and you’re enjoying a relaxing night in with your family when all of the sudden, your furnace goes out! You check the thermostat—everything seems fine there. You reset the circuit breaker, thinking maybe that’s the problem. Nope, that’s not it either. Well, it’s time to call a furnace repair technician. That’s when you pick up the phone and give our number a dial!

We’ll be there quickly! But in the meantime, we don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Depending on how long the problem’s been going on, that may seem inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be. Read on as we share some fun and practical tips to stay warm while you wait for our techs to show up.

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Beware These Common Holiday-Time Plumbing Problems

November 23rd, 2020

older-couple-cooking-holiday-mealThe holiday season is upon us, and one thing is for sure—things are going to look different this year! However you choose to celebrate, the fact is that even if it is with your immediate family only, or perhaps your “quaranbubble,” you may very well have guests over and big meals to serve.

That said, we would like to help you enjoy your festivities, by providing you with some tips to avoid major problems with your home—namely, the plumbing system in your home. After all, is there a worse time of the year to deal with a plumbing emergency? Sure, plumbing problems are never convenient, but this is really not how we want our customers to end 2020!

Read on as we uncover a couple of common holiday plumbing woes and what you can do about them for a pain-free holiday season.

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Does My Tankless Water Heater Need Maintenance?

November 9th, 2020

tankless-water-heaterYes, your tankless water heater needs maintenance from professionals, and it needs it every year—the same as other types of water heaters in Salt Lake City, UT. The reason we must address this question is tankless water heaters are often misleadingly advertised as “no maintenance” or “low maintenance.” This is false. Although you can expect a tankless water heater to last longer on average than a storage tank water heater (sometimes around 20 years), that doesn’t mean it can skip maintenance. If you want your tankless water heater to last for as long as possible, it must have yearly professional maintenance.

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As the Weather Cools, Take This Important Step

October 26th, 2020

furnace-burnersWith temperatures trending downward, now is the time we all start thinking about our heating systems—how well they’re working, how much you’re paying for their month-to-month use, and any repairs you need have done on these systems. We hope, too, that you’ve considered the most important fall step you can take for your heater—scheduling heating maintenance!

Maintenance is the best way to keep your system functioning as efficiently as possible for as long as possible, while avoiding up to 85% of the repair needs the system might ever have. Read on as we uncover just why it’s so important to have this service done, and how your system and your budget will benefit.

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Follow These Steps to Shut Down Your AC for Winter

October 12th, 2020

snow-on-and-around-houseWith temperatures still hovering in the 70’s, there’s a very good chance you’re still using your air conditioner. Pretty soon, however, you’ll look at the upcoming weather forecast and be ready to turn your AC off for good in favor of your heater.

That makes now the perfect time to schedule heating maintenance if you haven’t done so already, and you can arrange for that right now by giving our team a call. We provide tune-ups for a wide range of heating systems!

But before you start using your heater full-time, we want you to take one very important step–turn off your air conditioner until next spring! And this isn’t as simple as just flipping off a switch. Read on as we walk you through how to do this.

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4 Reasons to Consider Going Ductless

September 28th, 2020

woman-using-remote-to-turn-on-ductless-air-handlerWere you aware that there is a singular alternative to owning both an AC system and a heating system? A ductless system is the answer to this, and not many homeowners know all the benefits of such a system, though they are becoming increasingly popular! They’re great systems for keeping your home efficiently warm in the winter, and effectively cool in the winter. So if you’re in the market for a new air conditioner or a new heater, you’d do well to consider going ductless.

And look we get that choosing the right heater or air conditioner for your home can seem daunting. After all, there are a plethora of options to choose from. This is why we recommend you talk to an experienced professional, who will help guide you in making an educated decision about which way to go. Not all homes are the right fit for a ductless system after all, but ductless units certainly benefit a lot of homes, in 4 specific ways. Read on as we uncover these 4 reasons to consider going ductless!

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Is It Too Late to Install a New AC?

September 14th, 2020

technician-installing-outdoor-unitAs we approach the official end of summer and begin to prepare for cooler temperature and heating system use, you may be wondering if you should bother replacing your aging air conditioner yet. Isn’t it too late to install a new AC? It would be pointless, right? No, and no!

It’s never too late to install a new air conditioner. In fact, now could be a perfect time. As our temperatures shift you may even want to consider if your heater is up to the task of keeping you warm this winter. Perhaps you’d benefit from a heat pump or ductless system installation. Read on as we explore your options and the importance of professional air conditioning installation.

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