Design Comfort Blog

Signs That Your Water Heater Needs Professional Help

April 12th, 2021

water-around-base-of-water-heaterNo matter what season it is here in the Salt Lake City area, and no matter what the temperature it is outside, there is one home comfort system that you need to consistently work each and every day—your water heater. This is one of those systems that’s really easy to take for granted. After all, do you ever think about how you get the hot water to your taps whenever you need it?

Consider the amount of strain a water heater goes under. It operates 365 days a year. You can’t expect it to work reliably 100% of that time. Of course, it’s a lot less likely that you’ll have surprise repair needs if you invest in routine water heater maintenance. We recommend this once a year for tank water heaters, and perhaps less often for tankless systems, depending on a few factors. But even with maintenance, it’s important to know the signs that you’re in need of water heater repair and your system needs our professional help. Read on to learn what these signs are!

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The Great Water Heater Debate: Tank or Tankless?

March 29th, 2021

faucet-with-hot-water-coming-outWater heaters are one of those home comfort systems that are really easy to take for granted, right? We rely on this part of our plumbing system the most, but if they’re out of sight they’re pretty much out of mind—until something goes wrong.

And when something does go wrong, you might find yourself scrambling to replace that water heater. It’s very tempting, when doing so, to get the exact same make and model that you had before, just for ease of the purchase. But what if rushing into this decision leaves you with a water heater that’s not very efficient for your household?

You might have always used a large tank water heater, but perhaps a tankless water heater will be best moving forward. Read on as we uncover the pros and cons of each, to help you make an educated decision about your next water heater installation.

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Choosing a New Air Conditioner: Why Size Matters

March 15th, 2021


Spring is right around the corner, and you know what that means! Allergy season, right?

Okay, well, yes. It’s allergy season and you should be sure to have the right indoor air quality system in place to mitigate your allergy symptoms while at home. We can help with that!

That’s actually not what we’re talking about today, though. We realize that this is the time of year that many homeowners throughout Salt Lake City and beyond start looking into their air conditioner options. Perhaps you have an aging system that’s just not cutting it anymore—it’s working inefficiently and costing you way too much money to operate. Or maybe you have a perfectly “fine” air conditioner, but you want to upgrade to an even better one because you’ve heard of the benefits of going ductless, or getting an inverter drive air conditioner.

We applaud your due diligence in starting this process now, before you need your air conditioner the most. But we do want to alert you to something that not too many homeowners consider—the size of your air conditioner matters. Read on to learn more!

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Is It Too Early For Air Conditioning Maintenance?

March 1st, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outdoor-ac-unitThe short answer to this is, “no.” But don’t worry, we will elaborate more. HVAC pros, including ourselves, recommend that you have air conditioning maintenance done once a year. This can be an easy suggestion to dismiss. After all, who wants to schedule service for a system you’re not even using yet?

Well, scheduling maintenance early ensures that your system is ready for when temperatures turn and you need that equipment every day. Your air conditioner may get by “just fine” without maintenance this early, but is “just fine” really good enough? Without timely maintenance, your air conditioner could be operating inefficiently, or it could even have a repair need that could turn into an emergency breakdown if you don’t address it soon. We can help, if you do have an air conditioning emergency. But we’d ultimately like to help you avoid this scenario. Read to learn how maintenance can help.

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Could Your Water Use Reverse Osmosis?

February 15th, 2021

woman-and-child-getting-water-from-kitchen-sinkWhen it comes to home comfort, or your health and safety, it’s easy to forget about the quality of your water. But thinking about it is important! The quality of your water can impact your quality of life in addition to your health and the health of your family.

If you have hard water, which is water with a high level of mineral deposits in it, a whole-house water softener can get your plumbing system back to normal. Some water supplies need something a little extra though. Think about it—even though your municipal water plant does a great job of purifying the water in your area, it has a long way to travel through pipes from that plan to your home.

It can pick up contaminants along the way! And that’s where a reverse osmosis (RO) system comes in.

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Are You Using Your Heater Efficiently Enough?

February 1st, 2021

woman-huddled-on-couch-in-winter-clothesWinter is progressing right along and just like every winter before, there’s no escape from the cold when you’re outside. But there is indoors! When you have a powerful heater, you never have to worry about staying cozy indoors.

But is your heater reliable? More importantly, is it efficient? The best way to guarantee a “yes” response to both those questions is to keep up on your annual heating maintenance appointments. This allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust your heater to ensure optimal performance.

Did you know there are more ways to boost your heating efficiency? This is important, since nobody should have to pay more than necessary to stay safe and comfortable in their living space. So what is it that you can do to boost efficiency and save money? Read on!

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Is It Time to Say Goodbye to Your Old Boiler?

January 18th, 2021

man-huddled-on-couch-with-sweater-and-scarf-looking-coldBoiler systems are unique and powerful heat sources for the homes and businesses they reside in. Unlike forced-air heating systems like furnaces or heat pumps, boilers are radiant heating systems. Through the use of heated water that’s cycled through a series of pipes, and in some cases radiators, these systems keep households exceptionally comfortable and warm throughout the chilliest of winter days.

This all said, something that your boiler does have in common with all other HVAC systems is that eventually, it will break down to the point that you’ll need to replace it. Sure, boilers last longer in comparison to forced-air systems, but no heater can last forever.

Deciding to upgrade or replace your boiler is a big decision, and not always the cheapest decision. But ultimately, replacing your aging or degrading boiler for a newer one will save you money month-to-month on your heating needs, helping you pay back the installation cost fairly quickly. So, when do you know it’s time for a replacement? Read on!

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5 Signs You Need a Water Softener

January 4th, 2021

salt-being-poured-into-water-softenerIn our area, water supplies go through a large amount of filtration and conditioning before that water reaches your home’s faucets and plumbing appliances. Alternatively, if you use groundwater from a well, you probably have your own water treatment system on site. But what many homeowners in either case don’t realize is that they may be in need of a water softener to resolve hard water issues.

Hard water is the name given to water that has a high level of minerals in it—namely calcium, magnesium, and sometimes iron. If these minerals sound harmless, it’s because they are. At least, they’re harmless for you and I to ingest. However, they’re not so harmless when it comes to your plumbing system and your quality of life. In fact, hard water can lead to plumbing leaks, faded clothing from the washing machine, and more.

But this can all be prevented with the installation of a whole-house water softener. So how do you know if you need one? Read on as we uncover some signs that this is the case.

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What Happens During Heating Maintenance?

December 21st, 2020

checklistIf you’ve lived in Salt Lake City for even just a year, then it’s no secret to you that it’s vital to have an efficient and effective heater in place. After all, it does get very cold here!

But if you really want to rely on a heater to keep you and your household comfortable all fall and winter, then you need to schedule routine maintenance. Professional heater tune-ups are a lot more involved than many homeowners realize, and shouldn’t be left to a DIY project or to an amateur. Read on to learn why!

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Tips for Staying Warm While You Wait for Furnace Repairs

December 7th, 2020

woman-in-warm-clothes-hugging-pillowHere’s a scenario that not a single homeowner or their household ever wants to face: It’s a chilly evening and you’re enjoying a relaxing night in with your family when all of the sudden, your furnace goes out! You check the thermostat—everything seems fine there. You reset the circuit breaker, thinking maybe that’s the problem. Nope, that’s not it either. Well, it’s time to call a furnace repair technician. That’s when you pick up the phone and give our number a dial!

We’ll be there quickly! But in the meantime, we don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Depending on how long the problem’s been going on, that may seem inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be. Read on as we share some fun and practical tips to stay warm while you wait for our techs to show up.

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