Design Comfort Blog: Archive for December, 2022

How To Avoid Heating Repairs This Season

Monday, December 19th, 2022


The first day of winter is almost here. With the storms we’ve been having, that probably isn’t a surprise. Despite the storms, our beautiful winter weather is one of the perks of living here and many Utahns look forward to this time of year.

However, one of the essential things that lets you enjoy the brisk weather is having a heating system that’ll keep your home warm and cozy when the coldest temperatures set in. A dependable heater isn’t a luxury in Utah; it’s a necessity. How confident are you in your heater’s ability to see your family through the coldest weather with no hiccups?

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Why Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger a Serious Issue?

Monday, December 5th, 2022


If you use a gas-powered furnace to heat your home, it’s important to be aware of things that can go seriously wrong. A cracked heat exchanger is high on this list. While many of these systems have a safety feature to turn the furnace off if something malfunctions, the signs of a cracked heat exchanger can be subtle and insidious.

This is not a minor repair by any means and isn’t something you should try to handle yourself. If you think you have a cracked heat exchanger, you need to call an HVAC professional ASAP as this is a serious safety issue. Let’s look at the signs of a cracked heat exchanger so you’ll know if this has happened in your home and what you should do about this type of furnace repair in Salt Lake City.

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