Design Comfort Blog: Archive for June, 2022

Exploring Your Water Treatment Options

Monday, June 20th, 2022

woman-drinking-glass-of-waterIf you get water from the city in which you live, versus getting it from a ground well on your property, then you likely know that this water goes through a pretty heavy filtration process at the water treatment plant before it makes its way to you. What you might not know, though, is there could still be impurities with your drinking and potable water, as it has many miles to travel between the water plant and your home. It can pick up some contaminants along the way.

As a result, there’s always a small chance that some level of harmful contaminants can make it into your home’s water supply. If you notice any symptoms, such as cloudy water, soap scum left behind after washing dishes, or an oily film on top of your water, it’s time to explore your water treatment options. In fact, even if you just want to improve the overall taste and health of your water, then you may want to consider a water treatment system. Read on to learn what these options are!

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Heed These Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Professional Repairs

Monday, June 6th, 2022

smiling-man-standing-in-front-of-service-vanOne of the most common repair calls we get for heat pumps is that it’s stuck in one mode or the other. If you’re a heat pump user, then you know these are incredibly efficient, refrigerant-based, and year-round systems that provide you with efficient cooling and heating. But… one problem in particular can cause it to malfunction–its inability to switch from heating mode to cooling mode or vice-versa.

When this happens, it’s usually because of a stuck reversing valve, which requires a call to us. First, though, check to make sure the air filter is clear of debris and the thermostat is working (and set) correctly. If you’ve checked both those things and the problem is still occurring, then it’s time to give us a call.

This isn’t, however, the only problem you might ever face with your heat pump. Read on as we uncover some heat pump symptoms that mean it’s time to give our number a dial.

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