Design Comfort Blog: Archive for May, 2022

It’s Never Too Late! Schedule This Vital AC Service Today…

Monday, May 23rd, 2022

3-technicians-standing-around-outdoor-ac-unitAlmost any HVAC technician you talk to, including ours, will tell you that scheduling your air conditioner maintenance in the spring is vital to the system’s functionality and efficiency. The reason springtime is the best time is because it’s right before you’ll need your air conditioner the most–waiting until the middle of summer could leave you with an unexpected and disruptive AC breakdown. Scheduling early is also more convenient for you as we’ll have more staff available to serve you as they are less likely to be out on emergency repair calls.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that just because spring is almost over, it’s too late to schedule air conditioning maintenance. Consistency matters much more here than timing does. Read on to learn why!

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How to Protect Your Kitchen Sink Drain and Garbage Disposal

Monday, May 9th, 2022

sink-drain-that-has-garbage-disposalBefore you decide to toss those potato skins down the drain, read this blog post. Although it is meant to be very convenient and easy to use, your garbage disposal system wasn’t designed to chew up everything you throw down it. There could be other items, too, that are bad for your kitchen sink in general.

Fortunately, you’re in luck! We’re here to provide homeowners just like you with expert guidance about what can and can’t go down the garbage disposal, and in doing so we hope to help you prevent some common plumbing problems. Read on to learn more!

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