Design Comfort Blog: Archive for April, 2022

“What Air Conditioning System Is Best for My Home?”

Monday, April 18th, 2022

two-technicians-working-on-air-conditionerWhen a customer sets out to buy their next air conditioner, it can be an overwhelming process. After all, there are a number of options, how do you choose?

Well, it starts by contacting an experienced professional. We’ll help you make an educated decision about what cooling system options are best for your home. Additionally, we know how to properly size and match your air conditioner to your specific living space.

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Here’s Why Your Tankless Water Heater Needs Maintenance

Monday, April 11th, 2022

tankless-water-heater-on-green-tile-wallIf you’ve seen a tank model water heater–which you probably have–then you know it is large, pretty noticeable, and can even be a little noisy too. In other words, it’s going to be difficult not to pay some attention to this system, if this is what’s in your home. You probably even know that it needs occasional professional maintenance from a qualified plumber!

Why? Because scaling… the buildup of minerals from hard water… can have a negative impact on it, causing issues such as water pressure problems, temperature fluctuations, and eventually even system corrosion. A tank water heater needs to be “flushed” out to get rid of sediment builup.

Of course, since it doesn’t have a tank, a tankless system doesn’t need the same level of care, right?

Meh, not so right. In fact, much of the maintenance we do for conventional tank water heaters is pretty similar to tankless water heater maintenance. Read on to learn more about why tankless water heaters need maintenance too.

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