Design Comfort Blog: Archive for January, 2022

Signs That Your Water Heater Is Struggling

Monday, January 17th, 2022

surprised-womanNo matter what season it is here in Salt Lake City, there is one home comfort system in particular that you will always need, and yet it probably doesn’t get the acknowledgment or appreciation it deserves–your water heater. This system is easy to take for granted–relying on the fact that you’ll have hot water from the taps whenever you need it.

When you take into account the amount of strain a water heater undergoes (it works every day of the year, after all), you can understand that you can’t expect your water heater system to operate 100% free of problems. At one point or another, you’ll probably need professional water heater repairs. But how do you know when this is the case?

Well, here are some signs you can watch out for. 

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The Benefits of a Duel Fuel System in Salt Lake City

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

floor-ventIf you’re asking what a dual fuel system is, don’t worry, you’re not alone! Before we jump into how one of these systems can benefit you and your home, we’ll go ahead and answer this question first.

The thing about a gas furnace for your heating needs is, it’s not perfect. It can be too powerful on milder winter nights, meaning that it’s drawing more energy than is really necessary to keep you warm. An electric heat pump isn’t perfect either–it actually struggles to work as a heating system if temperatures drop too terrible low during the winter, which can be a real pain in Salt Lake City!

It’s too bad that there isn’t something that combines the two, right?

Wait, that’s exactly what a dual fuel heating system is! Read on to learn more.

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