Design Comfort Blog: Archive for September, 2021

Here’s How to Protect Your Kitchen Sink

Monday, September 27th, 2021

kitchen-sink-drainYou might be wondering, reading the title of this blog post, why you’d need to “protect” your kitchen sink. What we’re really referring to here is your kitchen plumbing in Salt Lake City. A large part of this involves the pipes connected to your kitchen sink that help it properly drain. It also includes the garbage disposal, if you have one in place.

Not properly caring for your plumbing system can leave you with stubborn clogs, leaks, and even broken components that need replacing. Of course, if any of this happens, our team is here to help! But we’d like to help you avoid some of the problems that befall kitchen sinks, if possible!

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Is It Ever Too Late to Install an Air Conditioner?

Monday, September 13th, 2021

two-technicians-working-on-outside-ac-unitThe short answer to the question of “is it ever too late to install an air conditioner” is usually no, but right now we’d say it depends. 

As you may or may not be aware of, the pandemic has caused a shortage in HVAC equipment across the country, which does make it a bit more challenging for homeowners to find the perfect system. But with a trained professional’s help, you can certainly explore your options and find the right system for your home with a little bit of patience and time. The good news is, temperatures are cooling down! So you actually have quite a while before you need your new air conditioner.

Read on as we uncover factors to consider when installing a new air conditioner.

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