Design Comfort Blog: Archive for August, 2021

What Causes an AC to Short Cycle and Why It’s a Problem

Monday, August 16th, 2021

woman-covering-her-earsUnfortunately, air conditioners suffer from wear and tear, just like any other appliance or piece of equipment. Not all problems have to be catastrophes though! If you keep up on maintenance each year, and schedule repairs as needed, you can keep your AC system in great shape for as long as possible (typically 10-15 years). One of these repair needs we speak of is short-cycling. Short-cycling is not only a symptom of a problem but it’s also the cause of a problem. Fortunately, you may only need a few simple adjustments from a trained professional, or the problem could be a little more complicated. But you won’t know until you give us a call to check it out!

Ignoring short-cycling means you could find yourself facing a premature air conditioner replacement. In the meantime, you could waste a lot of energy and money. Read on to learn more about this particular AC problem!

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4 AC Sounds You Should Never Ignore

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

woman-holding-hand-to-ear-to-listenModern air conditioners are designed to make little noise, if at all. This ensures that you get less of a headache and more peace and quiet in your home. However, if your AC starts making all kinds of weird sounds, then it may be time to get professional AC repair in Salt Lake City.

Let us look at some of the common sounds that air conditioners make and what problems they signify.

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