Design Comfort Blog: Archive for May, 2021

Why Is My Air Conditioner Hissing?

Monday, May 24th, 2021

refrigerant-lineAre you hearing something that resembles air being let out of a tire, or maybe the last sip of soda being sucked out of a straw—but these sounds are coming from your air conditioning system? The most likely culprit for this noise is a refrigerant leak.

Refrigerant is a fluid that is supplied for the air conditioner upon manufacturing. Ideally, your air conditioner will have enough refrigerant from day one to last its entire lifecycle. Dishonest “professionals” may tell you that refrigerant needs to be recharged (refilled) on a routine basis, but this isn’t the case. The only reasons your refrigerant should ever need to be recharged is in the case that it wasn’t properly charged to begin with, or there is a leak.

The longer you wait to repair this leak, the bigger risk there is of serious AC damage happening, probably to the compressor component, which is essentially the heart of the air conditioner. But how do you know if you even have a refrigerant leak if you don’t hear that hissing? Read on!

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Should You Invest in Professional Water Testing?

Monday, May 10th, 2021

glass-of-waterIf you get water from a main line from the city, rather than a well on your property, then you probably understand that the water goes through an extensive treatment process before it reaches your home’s faucets. The effectiveness of these water treatment facilities does vary, though they’re all mostly good enough to remove the majority of harmful materials. Still though, there’s a long way to go between that plant and your home, and there is always a small chance that some trace elements of contaminants can make their way into your water supply.

There is really no “safe level of exposure to these contaminants. If you want to truly protect your water supply, then you’ll want to have a water treatment system professionally installed. Before you reach that step though, you’ll want to have your water tested to see exactly which water treatment system or combination of water treatment systems will help. Read on to learn some signs that you may have water quality problems, then give us a call when you’re ready for professional water testing!

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