Design Comfort Blog: Archive for April, 2021

Why an HVAC Air Filter Isn’t Enough

Monday, April 26th, 2021

hvac-air-filterFor many homeowners, when they hear the term indoor air quality, they think about the temperature of their home. Chances are, you’re one of these homeowners. If you’ve never questioned what sort of indoor air quality solutions may be best for you, you might not even realize how many options you have. No, the HVAC air filter isn’t sufficient for protecting your indoor air quality. In fact, that’s not even its purpose.

The air filter that comes standard with your HVAC system does block particles like dirt, dust, and other contaminants. But it does this to protect the interior components of the HVAC system itself, not your indoor air. So even though it doesn’t hurt your indoor air quality, it’s not enough to resolve any air quality issues your home might have. For this, you may want to consider the installation of a whole-home air purifier.

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Signs That Your Water Heater Needs Professional Help

Monday, April 12th, 2021

water-around-base-of-water-heaterNo matter what season it is here in the Salt Lake City area, and no matter what the temperature it is outside, there is one home comfort system that you need to consistently work each and every day—your water heater. This is one of those systems that’s really easy to take for granted. After all, do you ever think about how you get the hot water to your taps whenever you need it?

Consider the amount of strain a water heater goes under. It operates 365 days a year. You can’t expect it to work reliably 100% of that time. Of course, it’s a lot less likely that you’ll have surprise repair needs if you invest in routine water heater maintenance. We recommend this once a year for tank water heaters, and perhaps less often for tankless systems, depending on a few factors. But even with maintenance, it’s important to know the signs that you’re in need of water heater repair and your system needs our professional help. Read on to learn what these signs are!

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