Design Comfort Blog: Archive for February, 2021

Could Your Water Use Reverse Osmosis?

Monday, February 15th, 2021

woman-and-child-getting-water-from-kitchen-sinkWhen it comes to home comfort, or your health and safety, it’s easy to forget about the quality of your water. But thinking about it is important! The quality of your water can impact your quality of life in addition to your health and the health of your family.

If you have hard water, which is water with a high level of mineral deposits in it, a whole-house water softener can get your plumbing system back to normal. Some water supplies need something a little extra though. Think about it—even though your municipal water plant does a great job of purifying the water in your area, it has a long way to travel through pipes from that plan to your home.

It can pick up contaminants along the way! And that’s where a reverse osmosis (RO) system comes in.

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Are You Using Your Heater Efficiently Enough?

Monday, February 1st, 2021

woman-huddled-on-couch-in-winter-clothesWinter is progressing right along and just like every winter before, there’s no escape from the cold when you’re outside. But there is indoors! When you have a powerful heater, you never have to worry about staying cozy indoors.

But is your heater reliable? More importantly, is it efficient? The best way to guarantee a “yes” response to both those questions is to keep up on your annual heating maintenance appointments. This allows our technicians to fully inspect, clean, and adjust your heater to ensure optimal performance.

Did you know there are more ways to boost your heating efficiency? This is important, since nobody should have to pay more than necessary to stay safe and comfortable in their living space. So what is it that you can do to boost efficiency and save money? Read on!

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