Design Comfort Blog: Archive for May, 2020

Does Your AC Sound like It’s Hissing or Bubbling?

Monday, May 25th, 2020


We’ve come to expect a standard level of comfort this day and age when inside our homes, thanks to the power of modern air conditioning. And as long as you have that comfort, who cares whether your air conditioner is making a strange noise as long as it’s still providing cooling right? Well, actually, you should care.

The thing is, unfamiliar noises are always a sign that something is amiss with your air conditioning system, and that something needs to be addressed before it grows into a much bigger and subsequently costlier problem. One particular sound that may seem subtle and easy to ignore is that of a refrigerant leak, often signaled by a hissing or bubbling sound.

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How to Use Your Air Conditioner More Efficiently This Summer

Monday, May 11th, 2020

top-view-of-ac-outdoor-unitWould you ever turn down an opportunity to save money? Particularly when we’re talking about your energy bills? In addition to your utility bills each month, you have to consider the cost of AC upkeep—maintenance, repairs, replacement costs if needed—it can be overwhelming.

But the thing is, there are pretty simple steps you can take to boost your air conditioning efficiency, and lower your monthly bills, even if you have an aging (10-15 years old) air conditioner. If your aging AC struggles to keep your home cool efficiently this summer, follow the tips we shared below! Some of them may seem like common sense, but honestly not a lot of people consider just how much these ideas help.

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