Design Comfort Blog: Archive for April, 2020

Is Your Household in Need of a Water Heater Upgrade?

Monday, April 27th, 2020

smiling-technician-holding-clipboard-and-standing-in-front-of-water-heaterIf there’s any appliance that’s taken for granted in the average American home, we’re going to go ahead and say it’s the water heater. Without this system, you wouldn’t be able to begin your day with a hot shower, wash your clothing, or effectively clean and sanitize your dishes. A reliable source of hot water is essential to your modern quality of life!

Of course, no water heater lasts forever. When it comes time to replace or upgrade yours, we’ll help you find the best one for your specific needs. Homeowners often assume that if they have a tank water heater, their only option is to replace it with another tank water heater—but tankless is an option too! Regardless of which system you choose to upgrade to, it’s important to know the signs that you’re ready for a water heater upgrade—in other words, the signs that your current water heater is about to fail.

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AC Service: Time for a Tune-Up!

Monday, April 13th, 2020

two-techs-in-front-of-ac-outdoor-unit-looking-at-tabletSpring is officially here. Sure, we may still have a couple of bouts of snow flurries here and there in the coming weeks, but you know as well as we do that soon enough, you’ll need your air conditioner on a daily basis.

Is your cooling system ready for the task? If you haven’t scheduled your spring maintenance appointment yet, there’s a very good chance your air conditioner is not ready for what summer is about to bring.

We don’t say that to sound dramatic, but we have many customers who don’t necessarily see the benefits of maintenance, and feel like it’s okay to skip it. This is an annual service (biannual if you have a heat pump) and we really want to shift your perspective on its necessity if you’re considering forgoing it this year. What do you get with routine maintenance? Read on to find out!

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