Design Comfort Blog: Archive for October, 2019

What You Can Do to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Monday, October 28th, 2019

icicles-hanging-from-pipeIf you’ve lived in the Holladay area through even just one winter, then you know we’re notorious for our cool and dry temperatures during the winter. You also, of course, know that colder weather comes with snow, and ice!

The development of ice means you need to move fast to protect and prepare your home before winter arrives in earnest. Do you have drafty doors allowing warm air to escape from your living space? Is your indoor air quality in good shape, or could you use a whole-house humidifier this season? Last but certainly not least, is your plumbing system prepared for the season? Just a couple of consecutive days of below 30°F temperatures can result in frozen pipes, which create a huge problem. We’re going to discuss below how you can prevent this, but first, why is it such an issue?

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How to Determine If You Need a Water Softener

Monday, October 14th, 2019

tapwater-flowing-into-sinkToday, most municipal water supplies have a heavy level of filtration and conditioning before they get to your home plumbing. And if you’re using ground water through a private well, then you may have your own water treatment system on-site to filter out contaminants. Something most homeowners don’t realize, however, is they may be missing protection from hard water.

What’s hard water, you ask? It’s water with a high level of minerals in it—namely, calcium, magnesium, and iron. They’re all harmless to ingest, but can do a whole lot of damage to your plumbing system over time. Hard water should be taken care of with a whole-house water softener right when the water enters the home, before it has a chance to put your pipes out of commission. Keep reading to learn some signs that you may be suffering from hard water, and therefore would benefit from a water softener!

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