Design Comfort Blog: Archive for August, 2019

“How Do I Choose the Right AC Repair Technician?”

Monday, August 19th, 2019

ac-technician-with-tools-in-pocketsIf you’re like most homeowners, you aren’t just going to let anyone into your home. You don’t know the background of a stranger, nor even what their intentions are. So, why would you hire an AC repair technician without looking into their company, their credentials, and their credibility?

Read on to learn what kind of qualities you should look for when choosing an AC repair technician. Whether it’s a small repair need or your system has completely broken down, you want a contractor you can trust to give you the information you need to make an educated decision about what to do next.

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Prevent a Midsummer AC Breakdown with This One Tip

Monday, August 5th, 2019

gauge-with-too-cold-just-right-too-hot-ratingsDon’t turn your thermostat down!

Yes, that’s right—our one tip to prevent a midsummer AC breakdown is to not turn your thermostat down.

“But wait,” you might be wondering, “what do you mean? Isn’t that the whole point of a cooling system, to cool my home?”

Please bear with us and allow us to explain, below…

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