Design Comfort Blog: Archive for July, 2019

Is It Too Late for AC Maintenance?

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

technician-working-on-air-conditionerTemperatures are steadily increasing as summer progresses, and you just realized that you forgot to schedule your preventive AC maintenance in Salt Lake City, UT. Maybe you can skip it though, just this once? It’s probably too late to have it done now anyway, right?

Well, no.

Unless your system totally broke down and you need to replace it altogether, it’s actually never too late to have your air conditioner tuned-up. This is truly a scenario of “it’s better late than never.” Besides, there are a number of benefits to joining our maintenance plan, which we’ll get to below.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Hissing At You?

Monday, July 8th, 2019

woman-covering-her-ears-from-hearingFirst off—no, there is probably not an angry cat, or a snake, somewhere in your air conditioner. The latter could technically happen, but it’s extremely rare—and if it does happen it’s likely to be a small, harmless critter.

Anyway now that’s out of the way—what is causing that hissing noise coming from the direction of your air conditioner? Also described as a bubbling sound by some homeowners, it seems to resemble the sound a tire makes when air is escaping it.

This, dear homeowner, is likely refrigerant escaping your air conditioner. But what does that mean?

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